gay marriage

Although I knew the Supreme Court would be weighing in on the constitutionality of gay marriage, but the announcement came as a surprise. The fact that the decision was handed down just days after the horrific shooting of parishioners in South Carolina felt oddly reassuring. So what does it all mean?

It’s a vote for love, and a veto for bullying, prejudice and hate. I see it as a sign that what divides us is getting smaller—that we’re moving towards a society that is more inclusive and accepting of our differences and individuality.

No matter your feelings about gay marriage or your thoughts on the pundits’ legal interpretations, one truth remains: Biases and bigotry promote an “us versus them” mentality and do nothing but alienate us from our own humanness. Let’s treat others with the same respect and dignity that we want for ourselves.

“Sometimes there are days like this when that slow and steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like a thunderbolt,” President Obama said. I’m glad we took a giant step towards love and compassion this week.


Rose Caiola
Inspired. Rewired.

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