Inspiration for living an empathic life
Letting go brings inner peace
Taking small steps toward self-compassion
And how it sets you free
While we can’t control the behavior of others, we can choose how to react
I’ve always believed that forgiveness can set us free. At Rewire Me we’re all big on forgiveness, so we were thrilled to discover our kind of holiday! Desmond Tutu—winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, advocate for reconciliation and forgiveness, and author of The Book of Forgiving: The Fourfold Path for Healing Ourselves and Our World (HarperOne)—has partnered with The Worldwide…
When you think of forgiveness, does it seem easy to offer? Or do you withhold forgiveness as a way of punishing someone who hurt you? It can seem like the person who benefits most from forgiveness is the person receiving it. The truth about forgiveness, however, is just the opposite: Forgiveness is for you. Dr. Margaret Nagib, a clinical psychologist…
How to listen and be truly present for your partner
8 tips for keeping the peace Thanksgiving will be here before you know it, and along with cooking and traveling, there can be a certain level of stress associated with managing family time. This can be especially true if you have challenging relationships with certain relatives. Fortunately, you can use some of the same helpful strategies from your work environment…