*Go Red for Women* 2022  Breathwork

*Go Red for Women* 2022 Breathwork

  Breathwork Why is breathwork so powerful? Breathwork supports so many of the challenges everyone experiences. It reduces stress, anxiety, depression, fear, grief and anger. It also helps create feelings of peace, clarity, love, openness, communication, and connection. How breathwork effects your body. Breathwork helps put the brakes on an acute stress response and diverts the health problems associated with…

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American Heart Association *Go Red for Women*

American Heart Association *Go Red for Women*

American Heart Association *Go Red for Women* Go Red For Women encourages awareness of women and heart disease, and promotes women to band together to collectively wipe out the disease.   What is Go Red For Women? In 2004, the American Heart Association (AHA) faced a challenge. Cardiovascular disease claimed the lives of nearly 500,000 American women each year, yet…

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