Look inward

Look inward
These simple daily practices can alter the neural pathways in your brain and help you turn your thinking around
End-of-the-year magazines, web sites and television shows always amuse me with their features about New Year resolutions. Full of strategies for how-to, when-to and ought-to, the crescendo gets as loud as Times Square on December 31st. Then there’s a short silence, followed by all of the same voices reminding you that over 88% of all New Year resolutions fail by…
You can convert self-criticism into long-lasting learning processes that encourage you to become better at who you are, how you live, and what you do
Unlinking a traumatic memory from the environment in which it occurred may jump-start the healing process
I’ve read a slew of books about success and studied all the old-time gurus, from Charles Haanel and Napoleon Hill to today’s leaders, such as Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, and Wayne Dyer. They all talk about things like presence, decision making, performance strategies, action taking, intention, motivation, and belief systems. None devote time specifically to conscientiousness. Yet research indicates that,…
New research offers fascinating clues to a commonly asked question among PTSD researchers and survivors
If you’re over 40, you’re not going to like this (and if you’re not yet 40, get ready for a reality check): Early in your fifth decade, researchers believe, your cognitive brain performance peaks. From there, it’s a downhill slide for the remaining years of your life. The good news is that the brain is highly adaptable; it responds to…
Last year my friend Sarah got pregnant and immediately kicked into mother mode. She switched to only organic products, researched natural childbirth, began training with a hypno-birth program, and started a regimen of vitamin supplements to ensure the baby’s physical, mental, and intellectual health. This kid was going to have the best possible head start. After 10 weeks, when her…