How we can make their lives better

How we can make their lives better
Hint: From Charlie Brown’s tree to Zuzu’s petals, it’s all about rewiring
Buddhist meditations to awaken from the illusion of separation
Clark Strand’s Waking Up to the Dark: Ancient Wisdom for a Sleepless Age.
Five Questions for Neuropsychologist and Poet Seán Haldane
We all know the expression “to grow old gracefully.” I have been thinking a lot about why we would need “grace” to accept something that is so natural. What is it in us that rebels against the aging process or, at the very least, worries about it? When I was in my 20s, I had already started worrying about…
I remember a Zen story about a woman who wanted to become a nun but was told she was too beautiful. She persisted, but the abbot of the monastery wouldn’t relent. Her desire to study Zen and to take Buddhist vows were so strong that she took hot coals from the fire and burned her face so badly that she…
In my childhood, I spent many afternoons at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. My father loved the exhibition pavilions there, and to keep me occupied and not bored when I was too small to understand intellectually what I was viewing, my parents gave me a sketchpad and crayons or colored pencils and I would sit and draw. At…
The Russians have a saying: Work is not a wolf; it will not go back into the forest. In other words, don’t work so hard, because work will always be there. Yet we are often at odds with our work lives and out of balance from the stresses and complexities of earning a living. Office politics can be exhausting, and…