Our good friend and Rewire Me contributing author, Dr. Jeffrey B. Rubin, will lead a workshop this summer on the art of flourishing, a central theme of his meditative psychotherapy practice. “Flourishing, the most fulfilling way to live, involves realizing the best within ourselves while enriching the lives of others,” Rubin says. “These pursuits might seem opposed—giving to others can…
Bestselling author Gabrielle Bernstein, environmental medicine expert Richard Ash, M.D., and work-life balance pioneer Tevis Trower recently joined Rewire Me founder Rose Caiola and about 100 guests for a panel discussion and celebration commemorating the launch of Rewire Me’s website and virtual community. Meeting face to face for the first time in many cases, Rewire Me staff, contributors, and supporters connected in a…
Her Story By JMR I was 37 when I was diagnosed with severe renal failure. That same day, I also learned that I was pregnant with my first child. I had been trying to get pregnant for a few months, after convincing my husband and finally feeling ready. The timing was not perfect, though. I had just started a business,…