How to rewire your brain to meet this year’s goals During January, resolutions top many people’s to-do lists. Yet, by early February, gyms start thinning out, discipline dissolves and willpower seems to fly out the window. But, studies show that sometimes it’s more about the old cues and triggers pulling us into our old routines than a lack of willpower or knowledge.…
Science supports health benefits of breaks between eating Fasting is something that most of us already do: it’s called sleeping. For those of us with regular sleep schedules, we go without eating for the hours we snooze. We usually tack on some hours before and after bed too. Intermittent fasting is similar. But it’s sharply defined as going between…
It’s the little things that can move you forward I know all too well that feeling of being stuck; a sense of inertia can come over even the most productive of us. Stressful events, illness, lack of self-care or just plain old exhaustion can creep in and stop us in our tracks. But when the obstacles in our life loom…
A short step-by-step meditation
Enter a calmer, more peaceful state
With Irem Eren of Ayza Wine & Chocolate Bar
5 expert tips to manifesting gratitude everyday By now, you’ve successfully navigated the holidays and re-entered the daily grind. Some people even experience a post-holiday slump. Through these transitions, it can be easy to forget how lucky we are to have the precious gift of life. Practicing the law of attraction can bring to light all that the universe offers us. Being…
Effective strategies to build stronger relationships
Increase your chances of success