The Trick To Learning Anything Faster

The Trick To Learning Anything Faster

  When you are learning something new or tackling a problem, you have to concentrate, but you also need to access the diffuse mode to get new ideas and solutions. —Rose Caiola What To Do Focus all your attention on the problem or task at hand without any distractions—no checking phones or popping on to social media. Try to keep at…

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5 Easy Steps To Get Rid Of Clutter

5 Easy Steps To Get Rid Of Clutter

  Having too much stuff is not only an organizational headache, it can also impact your mental health. —Rose Caiola What To Do Don’t think of clutter as an enemy to be battled. In fighting mode, the body releases adrenaline, which causes a brief surge of energy followed by a hard crash. No wonder cleaning can be so exhausting; we…

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