6 Reasons to Stop Saying You're Busy

6 Reasons to Stop Saying You're Busy

A study in the Journal of Psychological Science shows that we’re much happier when there’s a lot going on in our life. If keeping active and busy is positive for our health, why do we often feel overwhelmed or exhausted by our list of responsibilities? It may not be our to-do list that is the source of our unhappiness. Instead,…

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Getting the Life You Want

Getting the Life You Want

“It’s never too late to do something that your heart really desires,” says perpetual student Jennie Richards, who is studying for her MBA in Sustainable Enterprise. “I didn’t get married until I was forty-five. Now I’m back in school at age fifty-two. My life is proof that you don’t have to follow a set template or do what everyone else…

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Shaking Is a Killer Instinct and the Instinct to Live

Shaking Is a Killer Instinct and the Instinct to Live

Shaking is a complicated thing—for me, at times, all-consuming. I’ve had a paralyzing fear of the kind of uncontrolled internal terror and shaking that I’ve experienced with panic attacks. Then there is the full-body vibration, like electricity coursing through me, during bodywork therapy that has not only evoked uncontrolled noises but eventually numbed my hands, making me feel as though…

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9 Ways the Culture of Watching Is Changing Us

9 Ways the Culture of Watching Is Changing Us

Watching and being watched are no longer confined to how newborns bond with their mothers or apprentice chefs learn from sushi masters. Watching now changes how we identify ourselves and how others understand us. “Selfies” are not an anomaly; they are personal reflections of a wholesale adoption of the new culture of watching. We are watching so many—and so many…

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The Compassionate Way to Declutter

The Compassionate Way to Declutter

If you asked my college roommate to rate my neatness on a scale of 1 to 10, she’d probably say 12. I was Felix Unger to her Oscar Madison, and as much as she drove me crazy with her messiness, I’m sure my extreme tidiness drove her even crazier. So she would’ve been shocked if she’d seen the state of…

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