5 Ways to Rewire Your Breakup

5 Ways to Rewire Your Breakup

When you get your heart broken it can feel like the world stops spinning. Caught up in a whirlwind of negative emotions, you somehow convince yourself that you will be alone forever and you will never find love again. It goes without saying that after a breakup you need to brace yourself for an emotional roller-coaster ride. Over the years,…

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3 Techniques to Rewire Your Sex Life

3 Techniques to Rewire Your Sex Life

When it comes to relationships, we hear a lot about how good communication is the key to a happy, healthy, and strong connection with your partner. When it comes to sex, however, many couples find it hard to discuss their needs and desires. Sex is an inherently intimate act, and it can be challenging to step back and find the…

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Male Sexuality: Why Women Don’t Understand It and Men Don’t Either

Male Sexuality: Why Women Don’t Understand It and Men Don’t Either

From the infidelities of politicians, entertainers, religious leaders, and athletes to the exponential rise of cybersex and porn addictions, the news is filled with stories of male sexuality run amok. Sexuality is one of the most crucial and misunderstood human energies and activities. It makes us feel alive and connected and opens up new levels of intimacy. It can also…

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