One woman reports healthy appetite shifts and a clearer head after trying the low-carb, low-sugar regimen

One woman reports healthy appetite shifts and a clearer head after trying the low-carb, low-sugar regimen
I’ve been a perfectionist for as long as I can remember—always caring about what other people think, worrying about being judged, and overanalyzing everything. As a kid, I never raised my hand in class even if I was 99% sure I knew the answer, constantly second-guessing myself. In my success-driven mind, every bad score on a test meant I’d never…
Scientific research and real-life case studies show that noninvasive, nonmedical approaches may be the best way to help children overcome ADHD
Today, chronic inflammation is one of the leading causes of stroke, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. These conditions are typically treated with invasive interventions—such as surgery, radiation and harsh pharmaceutical drugs— only after they become quite serious. What if you could prevent inflammation? Even better—what if something as simple as a cup of tea with a good friend could help…
By Tori Rodriguez Your mom always told you that worrying would make the shot worse, and now research confirms that some things really do hurt more if you think they will. A study published recently in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research tested whether watching a video that warned about the negative health effects of electromagnetic fields would influence whether people…
It doesn’t take long to get totally freaked out and stressed out of your mind, does it? Hell, it happens to me at least once a week. I’m afraid I locked my keys in my car! My wallet’s gone! When these types of daily scares occur, relief usually comes fast once you realize everything’s okay. But when stressors gain a…
“Mommy can’t play with you anymore,” my husband told my one-year-old daughter. In 2010, I was half alive and lying on the couch. Though the words hurt to hear, they were true. I was exhausted and in pain. I’d get dizzy just from being exposed to the sun walking to my car. I couldn’t play outside with my daughter, I…
‘Back to Normal’ explores the validity of rising mental health diagnoses in children
Energy from one heart can make a real connection with another…and spread love in surprising ways