In the right environment, the traits that cause A.D.H.D. are assets, not disabilities. Considering the right situations, not medications, for the individual is a crucial first step

In the right environment, the traits that cause A.D.H.D. are assets, not disabilities. Considering the right situations, not medications, for the individual is a crucial first step
For veterans afflicted with the mind-numbing, high-anxiety realities of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), it’s hard to consider Veteran’s Day a holiday. And while it has evolved from “shell shock” in World Wars I and II, to “Post-Vietnam Syndrome” in the 1970s, to what is now known as PTSD, the condition in all its forms has severely affected millions of soldiers and…
Is it just me or do comfort foods start calling your name, too, this time of year? It’s easy for me to eat right in the summer. I’ve got that easy feeling from the warm sunshine that seems to permeate every cell in my body, and there are fresh vegetables to nourish me everywhere I turn. But once we have…
Funny movie about madness and depression
To stop fear, you have to cut off the fuel. Turn off the news, walk away, and let the healing begin
Every moviegoer knows that Darth Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force. Tapping its volcanic energies of anger, hatred, and fear, he gained awesome powers, but at the cost of his humanity. And then, of course, there’s the story of Faust, who sold his immortal soul to the Devil so he could gain the world. Beware of…
Some students at the Providence Zen Center went to their teacher with a pressing moral dilemma: “Should we kill the roaches in the meditation hall?” If the students didn’t eliminate the roaches, the building might get infested, but killing living beings is a violation of a fundamental Buddhist ethical principle. Ethical behavior—what I think of as integrity-in-action and moral accountability…