9 Ways to Rewire Your Summer

9 Ways to Rewire Your Summer

I love summer! I don’t have to wear a bulky coat, days are longer, and there’s more time to enjoy things I love like bonfires on the beach. It’s a perfect opportunity to slow down and enjoy what’s around us and recharge our batteries! Here are some of the ways I rewire myself during the summer. Don’t work so hard,…

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Happy National Best Friends Day

Happy National Best Friends Day

In between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day comes a lesser-known day we at Rewire Me love to celebrate: Best Friends Day. We’re aware of the vast number of research studies showing the positive effects close friendships have on our health and well-being, but we also know that best friends are simply a wonderful addition to our lives. “A best friend…

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4 Ways to Help Kids Who Feel Left Out

4 Ways to Help Kids Who Feel Left Out

Not getting invited to a party. Being picked last for a pickup basketball game. Not getting a joke that everyone around you is cracking up over. Almost everybody has experiences like these from time to time. And usually we get over it…unless it becomes a recurring pattern. Often, parents need to step in to help kids who feel left out.…

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How Childhood Trauma Affects Adult Health 

How Childhood Trauma Affects Adult Health 

Do the aftereffects of traumatic events we suffered as children follow us into adulthood in a physical way? Research about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) proves that enormous childhood stress absolutely leads to increased potential for adult illness and disease. The original Adverse Childhood Experience study (conducted from 1995 to 1997) examined the link between childhood trauma and the likelihood of…

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Rewired by Motherhood

Rewired by Motherhood

Like so many people, women in particular, I was never very comfortable in my own skin. But my discomfort had less to do with wanting to be a blonde instead of a brunette or wishing for blue eyes instead of hazel. Though I did of course occasionally covet different physical traits than the ones I was born with, it wasn’t…

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Mothering without a Mother

Mothering without a Mother

The day my father died, suddenly, of a heart attack, I wanted to be the one to tell my son, who was six years old at the time, what happened. I sat down on the sofa, took Truman’s hands in mine, and told him his grandfather had died. I explained what that meant—that we wouldn’t see him anymore but would…

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3 Techniques to Rewire Your Sex Life

3 Techniques to Rewire Your Sex Life

When it comes to relationships, we hear a lot about how good communication is the key to a happy, healthy, and strong connection with your partner. When it comes to sex, however, many couples find it hard to discuss their needs and desires. Sex is an inherently intimate act, and it can be challenging to step back and find the…

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Male Sexuality: Why Women Don’t Understand It and Men Don’t Either

Male Sexuality: Why Women Don’t Understand It and Men Don’t Either

From the infidelities of politicians, entertainers, religious leaders, and athletes to the exponential rise of cybersex and porn addictions, the news is filled with stories of male sexuality run amok. Sexuality is one of the most crucial and misunderstood human energies and activities. It makes us feel alive and connected and opens up new levels of intimacy. It can also…

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