Take the first step
Meditation doesn’t come easily for many of us. In fact, most people I know find it challenging and give up after a few tries. Because it’s definitely not one-size-fits-all, I’ve often felt that if everyone had access to a variety of different practices we would have a larger community of meditators. For me meditation is getting up at 5:30 in…
Knowing your numbers could save your life February is American Heart Month, and Rewire Me is proud to support Go Red For Women® to advocate, educate and prevent heart disease in women. The fact is: Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths each year. Go Red For Women® saves lives. They encourage awareness…
Today, January 15th, our nation unites in honor of the leadership and compassion of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who courageously lead the struggle for civil rights and human equality. His tireless stance against systemic racism helped transform our country, and his vision of a United States free of discrimination and oppression inspires us still today. As we commemorate the…
It’s the little things that can move you forward I know all too well that feeling of being stuck; a sense of inertia can come over even the most productive of us. Stressful events, illness, lack of self-care or just plain old exhaustion can creep in and stop us in our tracks. But when the obstacles in our life loom…
A short step-by-step meditation
Enter a calmer, more peaceful state
With Irem Eren of Ayza Wine & Chocolate Bar
Effective strategies to build stronger relationships