Keeping Heart and Brain in Harmony With the HeartMath Institute's emWave2

Keeping Heart and Brain in Harmony With the HeartMath Institute's emWave2

Our understanding of how heart function affects mental and emotional well-being has been advanced by leaps and bounds thanks to the Institute of HeartMath (IHM). Studies conducted by this pathbreaking research organization show that signals sent from the heart to the brain via the nervous system dramatically affect how we think and feel. As the IHM notes, “These heart signals…

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Do Online Therapy and Counseling Apps Work?

Do Online Therapy and Counseling Apps Work?

Of course it’s far more complex than booking a flight, but online psychotherapy has just passed a major milestone of success and efficacy in treating moderate depression. And this should prove to be good news for patients, families, and clinicians alike. In a groundbreaking research study recently published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, researchers from the University of Zurich…

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