We can’t know what happens in the “unknown” if we allow fear to prevent us from going there. —Rose Caiola
What To Do:
Close your eyes, clear your mind, and meditate on one thing you’re fearful of right now. Maybe it’s starting the next chapter of your life; maybe it’s a change you’ve been afraid to make or a conversation you’ve been avoiding. Consider the pros and cons of moving forward. You may be surprised to find that the possibilities are far more positive than you’d thought. Whatever the task at hand is, don’t allow fear to drive you away from the opportunity. Instead, decide to let faith draw you toward it. If you’re anything like me, you probably want to know where the path leads before taking the next step. But we can never truly predict the journey; we can only decide to take it.
Why To Do It:
One of the simplest yet most effective techniques for combating a limiting belief is to replace it with a new, empowering one. In The Fear and Anxiety Solution: A Breakthrough Process for Healing and Empowerment with Your Subconscious Mind, Dr. Friedemann Schaub outlines three steps to take if you want to establish a new core belief: 1) Define a new core belief, 2) See it, feel it, believe it, 3) Collect supportive evidence. If you work on establishing new core beliefs, you will start to conquer the negative thoughts that are making you sick and paralyzed, and keeping you from reaching your full potential.
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