How to Turn a Potential Midlife Crisis Into an Opportunity for Growth
Culture, Family, Happiness, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Transformation, Wellness & Health

How to Turn a Potential Midlife Crisis Into an Opportunity for Growth

For many, midlife happens around age 45. During this period, some adults may experience feelings of dissatisfaction with their lives, or a midlife crisis. This could be an opportunity to make big changes. Here are some ways you can grow during a midlife crisis. Transform Eating and Exercise Habits Middle age can be rough on the body. Instead of feeling…

8 Creative Ways to Support Your Mental Health
Happiness, Mindfulness, Wellness & Health

8 Creative Ways to Support Your Mental Health

Have you tried practices like meditation, journaling, and yoga, only to see little benefit for your mental health? It might be time to think outside the box. In combination with talking to a therapist, you can try a few of these unique methods from Rewire Me to improve your mental health! Try Forest Bathing VeryWellMind states that forest bathing simply…

The Power Of Questioning
Happiness, Wisdom

The Power Of Questioning

Transcend self–criticism and live authentically

How to Achieve Your Goals for the New Year
Happiness, Mindfulness, Transformation, Wellness & Health

How to Achieve Your Goals for the New Year

Plan ahead to get ahead for the new year. With the New Year upon us many are thinking about their resolutions for 2020. It’s a time for letting go of the things that we may be holding onto that no longer serve us to achieve our goals. At the same time, it’s also the perfect opportunity to bring in that…

The World’s Most Loyal 5 Dog Breeds
Family, Happiness, Waldo's Wisdom, Wellness & Health, Wisdom

The World’s Most Loyal 5 Dog Breeds

The World’s Most Loyal 5 Dog Breeds I remember growing up in the Bronx my sister and I walking home from school one day and standing on the corner waiting for the traffic light to change we heard the softest cry coming from a garbage can close by. When we pushed away the surface trash and peered inside, we saw…

Celebrate All Kinds Of Love On Valentine’s Day
Happiness, Lifestyle, Relationships

Celebrate All Kinds Of Love On Valentine’s Day

Ways to spread the love on February 14th Some people dread Valentine’s Day because they feel that without perfect, romantic love, they are doomed to have a bad day. But February 14th is a day to celebrate all kinds of love – regardless of your relationship status. This holiday is one where even the most staunchly single can fill our…

How Comparing Yourself To Others Can Turn Self-Destructive

How Comparing Yourself To Others Can Turn Self-Destructive

Avoiding the negative effects of self-judgment I know a great deal about comparing ourselves to others and what that does to us – both the positive and the negative effects – because I’ve engaged in comparison more times than I can count. In my therapy training, I learned to expand my awareness of my thoughts and feelings. Through that process,…

Rewiring Our Expectations For the New Year
Happiness, Lifestyle, Transformation, Wellness & Health, Wisdom

Rewiring Our Expectations For the New Year

Stay open to a future of possibilities Do you ever get excited for a big trip, an event or holiday, only to find out that the reality didn’t quite meet your expectations? Perhaps something over the holidays triggered that feeling, and you’re stumbling to jump start the year with a positive outlook. “Expectation is the root of all heartache,” Shakespeare…

Bettina’s Stuffed Artichokes
Happiness, Nutrition, Rose's Blog, Wellness & Health

Bettina’s Stuffed Artichokes

This is a recipe that transports me back to my childhood. A traditional Italian comfort dish, stuffed artichokes were (and still are) a staple around our holiday table every year. Stuffed artichokes are a perfect artichoke appetizer! Whether you’re hosting a gathering for the holidays this year or attending a party at someone else’s house, I am confident my mother’s…

Art Therapy For The Heart
Body, Happiness, Mindfulness, Wisdom

Art Therapy For The Heart

Incorporating art into your life benefits the heart and mind Art enjoys a long history as a therapeutic tool for your heart and mind. Painting, writing, music, theatre, dancing – there are many ways to express yourself with positive health benefits. It’s easy to get bogged down in your busy schedule and ignore this kind of self-care. But time to…

Mom’s Best Holiday Recipes Part 3 of 5 | Sicilian Almond Cookies
Body, Happiness, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Rose's Blog, Wellness & Health

Mom’s Best Holiday Recipes Part 3 of 5 | Sicilian Almond Cookies

Celebrating the holiday season always makes me nostalgic. This recipe is without flour and is gluten-free. You need 4 ingredients: peeled almonds, sugar, egg whites and vanilla extract – you might already have everything in your cupboard.  Surprise your family or make them as a little pick-me-up for yourself. They are done in 15min and you will LOVE them!!  …

The Basics Of Prebiotics And Probiotics
Happiness, Nutrition, Wellness & Health

The Basics Of Prebiotics And Probiotics

ABC’s of increasing the bacteria you want growing in your gut Prebiotics and probiotics are bacteria that keep your intestinal tract healthy and support your immune system. The importance of their function is becoming clear, yet many of us still don’t really understand what they really do. How do prebiotics and probiotics really work, what benefits do they offer, and…

The Best Wellness Gifts For The 2018 Holiday Season
Affirmations, Happiness, Mindfulness, Rose's Blog

The Best Wellness Gifts For The 2018 Holiday Season

Give the gifts that gives back! ‘Tis the season of giving, and we’re getting into the spirit with a present for you: a curated selection of my favorite wellness-inspired picks for everyone on your list. What better gift to give your loved ones than a little helping hand in the wellness department? These gifts will leave everyone on your list…

Mom’s Best Holiday Recipes Part 1 of 5 | Italian Apple Cake
Features, Happiness, Nutrition, Rose's Blog, Wellness & Health

Mom’s Best Holiday Recipes Part 1 of 5 | Italian Apple Cake

Celebrating the holiday season always makes me nostalgic. Having grown up in an Italian-American home, I’ve always shared a special love of food and cooking with my family. During Christmastime, I can remember spending hours in the kitchen with my mom Bettina, creating these fantastic seasonal dishes, many of which were the original Sicilian recipes handed down from my grandmother…

Hug Therapy: High-Touch Healing in a High-Tech World

Hug Therapy: High-Touch Healing in a High-Tech World

Something seems amiss: Millions of us now click into our social lives each day, count 100, 300, even 500+ friends in our networks, and yet somehow move through the entire day without having experienced one human-to-human, warm-bodied hug. Indeed, when Megatrends author John Naisbitt ushered in the notion of “high tech, high touch” in the 1980s, it seemed to many…

10 Mindful Minutes: a Journal
Happiness, Mindfulness, Rose's Blog, Wellness & Health

10 Mindful Minutes: a Journal

Goldie Hawn shows us how to easily incorporate mindfulness into our day

8 Things to Do Before Starting a Relationship
Dating, Happiness, Relationships

8 Things to Do Before Starting a Relationship

“Self-love is the knowing that you were created to be completely loved and completely lovable just as you are. When you embrace this truth, the world mirrors that knowing. When you don’t feel loved or lovable, it is because you have lost your connection to your spiritual nature. You have lost your connection to your true self.” – Deepak Chopra…

More Reasons Why Social Media Makes Us Hate Ourselves

More Reasons Why Social Media Makes Us Hate Ourselves

How envy eats away at our insecurities These past few weeks, I’ve hated myself more than usual. Not on credible grounds: I still have never murdered anyone or filled their swimming pools with instant Jell-O or even robbed them at gunpoint. Ever. But my go-to image these days is a boxing-gloved, fist rabbit, punching my face as a voice booms, “Go to hell.”…

Mindfulness Lives In Single-Tasking
Career & Business, Happiness, Lifestyle, Mindfulness

Mindfulness Lives In Single-Tasking

6 tips to finding success by focusing on one task at a time Do you pride yourself on being a talented multi-tasker? Well, a new study says that may be an illusion. The study, conducted by Stanford University, says that multitasking may be detrimental to not only your brain, but also your ability to get things done faster and more…

3 Ways To Balance Your Health This Fall With Ritual

3 Ways To Balance Your Health This Fall With Ritual

Align your life with natural rhythms Humans used to live according to the rhythms of the Earth. They woke with the sun and wound down with nightfall. They holed up during the winter to stay warm and rejuvenate their body and spirit. What kind of basic rituals could you perform to realign your body, gain clarity in your mind and…

The Downside of Desire: Are You Addicted To The Chase?
Happiness, Rose's Blog

The Downside of Desire: Are You Addicted To The Chase?

Healthy desire versus unhealthy desire Many of us live in a constant state of wanting more – whether it’s more money or the latest iPhone, we are always on the hunt for the next best thing. The problem is that we don’t stop to ask ourselves, “Am I chasing these things because it’s what I really want or because society…

How To Deal With Failure And Emerge Stronger Than Before
Career & Business, Happiness, Rose's Blog

How To Deal With Failure And Emerge Stronger Than Before

Strategies to overcome adversity Many of us are scared to take action because we don’t want to fail. We let fear paralyze us and prevent us from moving forward. Maybe it’s starting the next chapter of your life or a career change you’ve been afraid to make. If you’re anything like me, you probably want to know where the path…

Embrace Challenges To Change Your Mindset
Brain, Happiness, Mindfulness, Transformation, Wellness & Health

Embrace Challenges To Change Your Mindset

Face your fears as you approach obstacles There comes a time when many of us desire to make a fundamental shift in the way we approach life. Learning to embrace challenges is a fundamental part of changing our mindset. But knowing where to start can be overwhelming. Here are some concrete steps you can take to get yourself on the…

4 Steps Out Of ‘Can’t’ into ‘Can’
Happiness, Mindfulness, Transformation

4 Steps Out Of ‘Can’t’ into ‘Can’

Move from the ‘can’t’ of the altered ego state into the possibilities that the soul is ready to embark upon. Sponsored Content by Expand with Julius It’s important to know that you probably won’t be able to teleport yourself into the next galaxy when you are not a very high consciousness being. It’s equally important to know that you won’t…

5 Unorthodox Networking Tips
Career & Business, Happiness, Mindfulness, Wisdom

5 Unorthodox Networking Tips

Ditch the elevator pitch, business card swap, and other well-worn strategies Ditch your friends, colleagues and don’t hand out business cards if you want to be more successful at networking. Probably not what you expected to read, but sometimes you need to look beyond the tried and true networking practices to stand out. I read a great post from Undercover…

Work-Life ‘Balance’ Is Impossible—And Why That’s Good
Career & Business, Happiness, Wellness & Health

Work-Life ‘Balance’ Is Impossible—And Why That’s Good

By Douglas LaBier, Ph.D. It’s increasingly visible that our workplace culture and conventional views of success damage people emotionally and physically, and harm productivity and innovation as well. In a recent post, I emphasized the overlooked role of unhealthy management practices because they reflect and reinforce a narrow, self-interested view of success that’s equated with the pursuit of “more”—more money, power,…

Natural Remedies To Stop A Headache At Its Source
Happiness, Wellness & Health

Natural Remedies To Stop A Headache At Its Source

Treat the cause rather than merely the symptoms of your pain   Treating your headache with natural remedies can heal your body at the actual point of pain. Rather than masking the pain with chemical pain relievers, finding the source of the pounding or piercing is a better way to end it. You could be experiencing a tension headache or…

Why We Wait So Very Long To Do What Feels Right
Happiness, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Transformation

Why We Wait So Very Long To Do What Feels Right

5 reasons we struggle to follow our true longings and how to honor them Throughout my 34 years of working, I’ve experienced one very chronic pattern. I’ve tended to wait far too long to do what I instinctively knew was right or deeply longed to do. Sometimes it was staying in the wrong business partnerships or relationships, or remaining in…

The Secret to De-Stressing? De-Clutter Your Environment
Happiness, Lifestyle

The Secret to De-Stressing? De-Clutter Your Environment

Get rid of the things you don’t need to achieve a less stressful, more organized life.

Tipping Sacred Cows – 6 Steps to Rewire Your Life
Happiness, Spirituality, Transformation, Wellness & Health

Tipping Sacred Cows – 6 Steps to Rewire Your Life

Betsy Chasse may like to curse, but that doesn’t mar the clarity of her insights in Tipping Sacred Cows: The Uplifting Story of Spilt Milk and Finding Your Own Spiritual Path in a Hectic World (Atria/Simon & Schuster). It’s her first book, and it’s a doozy: a touching and hilarious account of how Chasse rewired her own life—and a challenge…

3 Steps To Building Stronger Boundaries And A Happier Life
Career & Business, Happiness

3 Steps To Building Stronger Boundaries And A Happier Life

Defining yourself keeps you safe and secure One of the most powerful concepts I’ve learned in my life emerged from my training as a Marriage and Family Therapist. It’s about boundaries, the invisible barrier that separates you from the world around you. Boundaries define who you are, and they keep you safe and secure – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Having…

Why We Fail To Change Our Habits and What To Do About It
Happiness, Rose's Blog

Why We Fail To Change Our Habits and What To Do About It

3 steps to rewiring your brain and transforming your life  What do you want your life to look like? What kind of person do you want to be? Are you happy with your career or relationship? There could be many aspects of your life you want to change, but let’s face it: leaving our comfort zone for unfamiliar territory is…

5 Ways To Use Activated Charcoal
Body, Happiness, Lifestyle

5 Ways To Use Activated Charcoal

Good for everything from teeth whitening to curing stomach aches Activated charcoal is an ancient healing cure for all kinds of health issues. Now it’s a hot new health and beauty trend for your skin, stomach problems, detoxing and teeth whitening. What is activated charcoal? Activated charcoal is made from carbon sources such as bamboo, coconut husk, willow peat, wood,…

6 Summer Hobbies For the Mind and Body
Happiness, Lifestyle

6 Summer Hobbies For the Mind and Body

Treat yourself to healthy habits while you’re on vacation

5 Steps for Surviving a Lifequake and Starting Your Next Chapter
Happiness, Spirituality, Transformation, Wellness & Health

5 Steps for Surviving a Lifequake and Starting Your Next Chapter

By Dr. Howard Samuels September 11, 2001 started out just like any other Tuesday. Men and women all over the country woke up, showered, got dressed, kissed their kids and sent them off to school, and then got into their cars or boarded buses or trains and went off to work—same as any other day—absolutely unaware that everything they knew…

How Couples Can Fix Their Love Lives
Happiness, Marriage, Relationships

How Couples Can Fix Their Love Lives

A few simple ways to get your relationship back on track

10 Ways to Communicate Your Intelligence With Your Actions

10 Ways to Communicate Your Intelligence With Your Actions

Show your mental aptitude without saying a word Did you know that there are at least seven different areas of intellect? When you hear the term “intelligence,” you probably think of it as a very high-minded or academic concept. In fact, there are far better indicators of your brainpower than your ability to use big words, solve math problems or…

Healing Old Patterns And Enhancing Vitality With Body Mindfulness
Body, Brain, Happiness, Mind, Transformation, Wellness & Health

Healing Old Patterns And Enhancing Vitality With Body Mindfulness

Body mindfulness involves focusing intentionally in the moment with the addition of body awareness to anchor and enhance the benefits for brain and body. Benefits include rewiring the brain towards more optimal functioning, increasing access to feel-good hormones towards building emotional strength and potentially shifting or healing age-old emotional patterns. The following are two personal body mindfulness practices that I…

Networking 101
Career & Business, Happiness

Networking 101

5 smart ways to build business connections

The Adversity Advantage
Happiness, Rose's Blog

The Adversity Advantage

How overcoming your challenges can make you more successful There’s no denying that, for better or worse, our childhood experiences have shaped us into the people we are today. While some of us have endured greater hardships than others, adversity can be used to your advantage. Take Oprah Winfrey and Ralph Lauren for example – two of the most successful…

Can Affirmations Help You Sleep? Absolutely!
Affirmations, Happiness, Meditations, Rose's Blog

Can Affirmations Help You Sleep? Absolutely!

Sleep is healing and affirmations are empowering. Together, they are a powerful combination and most importantly, I have found that they work. At the end of a busy summer day, one of my favorite things to do, before I go to bed, is to reflect on the day’s events. During this time, I acknowledge when I wasn’t at my best…

Feng Shui for Summer
Culture, Happiness

Feng Shui for Summer

Balancing the energy in your body and living space

Indie Spiritualist: A No Bullshit Exploration of Spirituality
Happiness, Spirituality, Transformation, Wellness & Health

Indie Spiritualist: A No Bullshit Exploration of Spirituality

I’m losing patience with the “spiritual but not religious” genre of books that’s so popular right now. After a while they all begin to say the same thing, to skim the surface of understanding but never dive in. As Gertrude Stein wrote, “There is no there there.” And so I didn’t expect to like Indie Spiritualist: A No Bullshit Exploration…

How to Stop Hating Yourself

How to Stop Hating Yourself

Book excerpt from UNWORTHY by Anneli Rufus

4 Ways to Fight Fatigue
Happiness, Mind, Transformation, Wellness & Health

4 Ways to Fight Fatigue

  In an ideal world, we would all get eight hours of sleep every night, and wake up with enough energy for that 6 a.m. spin class before work. But when you’re struggling to balance the responsibilities of everyday life, cutting back on sleep can seem like the only solution. Many of us rely on coffee or energy drinks to…

Why We Wait So Long To Do What Feels Right

Why We Wait So Long To Do What Feels Right

Top 5 reasons we delay our dreams until a crisis Throughout my 34 years of working, I’ve experienced one very chronic pattern –  I’ve tended to wait far too long, years, in certain cases, to do what I instinctively knew was right or what I deeply longed to do. Whether it was staying in business partnerships, relationships that weren’t right…

It Takes Two To Therapy
Happiness, Relationships

It Takes Two To Therapy

Regardless of how much two people love each other, sometimes couple therapy is just what the doctor ordered

Dogs are great for your health and here are the reasons why!
Happiness, Lifestyle, Relationships, Wellness & Health

Dogs are great for your health and here are the reasons why!

Dogs are friendly, loyal animals that make our lives better. They offer us companionship, love, and utter friendship. But, did you know that owning a dog actually had real health benefits? And not just physical ones. They’re also great for our mental health, and all in all, just make the quality of our life better. They bring happiness to the…

Mindfulness for the Wallflower
Brain, Happiness, Insight, Mind, Mindfulness, Transformation, Wellness & Health

Mindfulness for the Wallflower

By Jason Drwal Kevin Schjerning, a 48-year-old film and video editor, doesn’t simply dislike social gatherings; he finds them overwhelming. “I basically feel claustrophobic,” he says. “I have to get out of there.” An estimated 22 million people in the U.S. have social anxiety disorder, an intense and disabling fear of being judged or humiliated in social situations. Living with…

5 Critical Reasons You Struggle To Feel Loved

5 Critical Reasons You Struggle To Feel Loved

How to soak in the unconditional love and appreciation from others Recently, I had a birthday, and traditionally, I’ve loved that day. I have very happy memories going way back, of celebrating that day with dear friends and family. One of my fondest memories is of a wonderful party for my 18th birthday given by my dear friend Nan in her…

5 Ways to Declutter Your Social Life
Friendship, Happiness, Relationships

5 Ways to Declutter Your Social Life

Streamline your friendships for greater life satisfaction. We declutter our drawers, our cars and our closets. How often do we tidy up our social lives? They probably aren’t terribly streamlined, as pruning them sounds so … severe. It’s okay to take stock. Consider the research of esteemed anthropologist Robin Dunbar, who studies the evolutionary structure of social networks in primates.…

Kicking The Self-Doubt Habit for “National Take A Chance Day”

Kicking The Self-Doubt Habit for “National Take A Chance Day”

#NationalTakeAChanceDay Today is National Take a Chance Day, and every year on April 23rd, we are encouraged to break out of our comfort zone. It reminds us that taking risks can open you up to new challenges and opportunities and empower you to push the limits in your mind. We all have boundaries where comfortable staying or thoughts of what…

Vision Boards + Action =  Manifesting Your Dreams

Vision Boards + Action = Manifesting Your Dreams

Visualization works, in fact, it is one of the most powerful mind exercises you can do. Athletes have been using it for decades to improve performance, and Psychology Today reported that the brain patterns activated when a weightlifter lifts weights are also similarly activated when the lifter just imagined (visualized) lifting weights. However, while brain pattern results are similar for…

Mastering Stress

Mastering Stress

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another —William James   This week’s mental workout is about learning how to identify what generates stress and create an action plan for how to minimize and overcome the pressure.   What To Do Take some alone time today to sit down with a pen and paper…

Own Your Power Through Positive Affirmations
Happiness, Mindfulness, Wellness & Health

Own Your Power Through Positive Affirmations

When you own your power, you take responsibility for the situations and experiences you have in your in life.   Taking responsibility is empowering and freeing. Of course, while we cannot control all that happens in the world (or to us), powerful affirmations help us create a more positive response to how we perceive and experience these challenging situations. According…

Motivation Monday: Your Weekly Dose of Positivity by Rose Caiola
Happiness, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Transformation

Motivation Monday: Your Weekly Dose of Positivity by Rose Caiola

I AM ENOUGH. You don’t need to strive to become worthier, more accepted, or more loved. You are all of those things already – just as you are. There are things you may want to be more of. More open, more honest, more authentic, more limitless, or more purposeful. These, are not expressions of your “enough-ness.” On the contrary, they’re…

Great Morning Routines To Start Your Day
Happiness, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Transformation, Wellness & Health

Great Morning Routines To Start Your Day

How you begin your day can change your life Starting the day with a great morning routine can change the feel of everything that follows. Healthy morning habits can prevent hormone spikes, increase your ability to handle stressful events, improve your digestion and make you feel empowered in life. Here are 7 ideas on how to start your day out…

The Heart and Brain Coherence

The Heart and Brain Coherence

Fostering the mind-body connection I’ve long been interested in how our responses to stress affect our brains and our hearts. I’m continuing my campaign for Go Red For Women with the American Heart Association to support heart health and awareness. Did you know the heart sends more notifications to the brain than the brain sends to the heart? And true…

Is There A History To April Fools Day?
Culture, Happiness

Is There A History To April Fools Day?

Historical theories on how this funny day got its start

Passover Begins Today
Culture, Happiness

Passover Begins Today

A holiday with traditions thousands of years in the making

Eliminate the Stress of Having “So Much to Do”
Career & Business, Happiness, Mindfulness, Wellness & Health

Eliminate the Stress of Having “So Much to Do”

Small changes can release you from the trap of stress and busyness so you can enjoy your life. From time to time, we all get consumed with our hectic schedule and demands of life. When that happens, we need to shift our thinking and adjust our expectations to reduce the stress of having “so much to do.” By making alterations…

Develop Resilience By Embracing Hardship
Happiness, Rose's Blog

Develop Resilience By Embracing Hardship

Find strength to get through challenging times Have there been moments in your life when you couldn’t imagine the thought of feeling okay again? Whether it’s going through a breakup or struggling in your career, I know firsthand how the pain can be debilitating and all consuming. You feel like you’re caught in a whirlwind of negative emotions, helpless to…

How To Access Your Heart Intelligence
Happiness, Rose's Blog

How To Access Your Heart Intelligence

The heart-brain connection Your heart knows things that your mind can’t explain. –Unknown At some point, we have all asked ourselves, “Should I listen to my heart or my head?” When we listen to our hearts, we are coming from a place of emotion and intuition. On the other hand, when we listen to our minds, we are coming from…

10 Ways to Nurture Your Creative Spirit While Holding a Day Job

10 Ways to Nurture Your Creative Spirit While Holding a Day Job

Keep your creativity alive while working nine to five It’s a familiar story: you have a nine to five job but have a vision for yourself as a writer, painter, author or musician. While you’re not quite financially ready to take the leap into pursuing your creative passion full-time, there are still ways to keep the creative juices alive, so…

How To Access Your Heart Intelligence
Happiness, Rose's Blog

How To Access Your Heart Intelligence

The heart-brain connection Your heart knows things that your mind can’t explain. –Unknown At some point, we have all asked ourselves, “Should I listen to my heart or my head?” When we listen to our hearts, we are coming from a place of emotion and intuition. On the other hand, when we listen to our minds, we are coming from…

Setting Strong Intentions For A Purpose-Driven Life

Setting Strong Intentions For A Purpose-Driven Life

  Setting strong intentions is a powerful step toward leading a purpose-driven life. We all desire to live meaningful lives but don’t always know what steps to take to begin. That’s where intentions come in, and here are some ideas about how best to use them. Start now We all know that to avoid getting the same results, we have…

Top 11 Anti-Aging Foods + How to Get Them in Your Diet

Top 11 Anti-Aging Foods + How to Get Them in Your Diet

How do you naturally slow aging? It’s a question that’s been asked for centuries. In fact, attempts to combat or reduce the effects of aging have dated as far back as mankind itself. Most people want to look and feel young, driving experts to invest many hours and thousands of dollars into finding silver bullet anti-aging formulas. While there isn’t…

Waldo’s Wisdom: 3 Simple Tricks To Make Your Dog Feel At Home Anywhere

Waldo’s Wisdom: 3 Simple Tricks To Make Your Dog Feel At Home Anywhere

Provide security and comfort in a new environment I admit I didn’t always love traveling. I was never one of those adventurous dogs who enjoys sticking his head out the car window. I’m the rare breed who prefers sitting comfortably and enjoying the view in the backseat. To each their own, I say. Regardless of the type of dog you…

DIY Face Scrub with Coffee, Coconut, Honey And Carrot Seed Oil
Body, Happiness, Lifestyle

DIY Face Scrub with Coffee, Coconut, Honey And Carrot Seed Oil

Get healthy, glowing skin with this all-natural exfoliate Getting rid of dead skin by exfoliating with a face scrub reduces dirt buildup, bacteria and dead skin in the pores. It also helps eliminate whiteheads. This DIY face scrub contains all natural ingredients that can help you achieve those results. Face scrub, or a facial scrub, is a gentle exfoliating cleanser. It…

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your Career
Career & Business, Happiness, Relationships

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your Career

It hit me four years into my career—at that point, a sequence of entry-level to associate-level jobs—as I was filing papers for my boss on a Friday evening. The office lights had already gone out, and I was the only person left. I’d had too much work during the week to get to this more menial task. So there I was, on…

8 Expert Methods to Achieve Your Resolutions
Career & Business, Happiness, Meditation, Mindfulness

8 Expert Methods to Achieve Your Resolutions

How to rewire your brain to meet this year’s goals During January, resolutions top many people’s to-do lists. Yet, by early February, gyms start thinning out, discipline dissolves and willpower seems to fly out the window. But, studies show that sometimes it’s more about the old cues and triggers pulling us into our old routines than a lack of willpower or knowledge.…

8 Natural Stress Relievers To Try Now by Dr. Josh Axe
Happiness, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Wellness & Health

8 Natural Stress Relievers To Try Now by Dr. Josh Axe

Prevent serious physical and mental effects of chronic stress Stress: we all deal with it. Yet we know how much better off we’d be, both physically and mentally, if we could only get it under control. We need stress relievers that really work. We know stress can be a positive, motivating factor at times such as when you’re under pressure…

Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss And Longevity
Body, Happiness, Mindfulness, Wellness & Health

Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss And Longevity

Science supports health benefits of breaks between eating   Fasting is something that most of us already do: it’s called sleeping. For those of us with regular sleep schedules, we go without eating for the hours we snooze. We usually tack on some hours before and after bed too. Intermittent fasting is similar. But it’s sharply defined as going between…

How to Live Life to the Fullest
Happiness, Lifestyle

How to Live Life to the Fullest

  While I still have a long way to go before landing a syndicated “Dear Abby” type of column, my travels, explorations of scientific research (I’m a science journalist!), and countless hours of introspection have led me to some definite mojo truths. Every day when I spring out of bed in the morning, I tap into these five nuggets of…

7 Ways to Help Kids Unplug from Technology
Body, Brain, Happiness, Insight, Lifestyle, Mind, Mindfulness, Parenting, Relationships, Technology, Wellness & Health

7 Ways to Help Kids Unplug from Technology

My childhood unfolded in the last few years BC (Before Computers). However, my own children and my students have lived their entire lives with bleeps and buzzes and signals from multiple channels of information. Parents and teachers alike worry about the impact that constant multitasking is having on children’s developing brains. Kids—digital natives—swim comfortably in the floods of information and…

Starting The New Year With An Attitude Of Gratitude
Happiness, Lifestyle, Meditation, Transformation, Wisdom

Starting The New Year With An Attitude Of Gratitude

5 expert tips to manifesting gratitude everyday By now, you’ve successfully navigated the holidays and re-entered the daily grind. Some people even experience a post-holiday slump. Through these transitions, it can be easy to forget how lucky we are to have the precious gift of life. Practicing the law of attraction can bring to light all that the universe offers us. Being…

5 Good Sleep Habits For More Productivity
Body, Happiness, Lifestyle, Mindfulness

5 Good Sleep Habits For More Productivity

Changing lifestyle rituals for better quality rest You may call yourself a night owl, or think you’ve achieved so much more the past year by working long into the midnight hours. If so, you are falling behind on your science and your productivity. Cognitive function can be damaged by even a little lost sleep, and it can affect our overall…

Accept More to Achieve More in the New Year
Brain, Career & Business, Happiness, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Transformation

Accept More to Achieve More in the New Year

How the Law of Least Effort can help you be the most successful “Acceptance looks like a passive state, but in reality, it brings something entirely new into this world. That peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness.” —Eckhart Tolle How much of your energy did you feel you spent fighting or struggling last year? In our culture, it’s actually…

Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load: Discover What Both Are All About
Body, Happiness, Lifestyle, Science, Wellness & Health

Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load: Discover What Both Are All About

Did you know that according to the large-scale Nurses’ Health Study, women eating the highest glycemic load diets were much more likely on average to develop type 2 diabetes or heart disease compared to women of the same age with the lowest glycemic load diets ? (1) This is a pretty startling statistic, especially considering the rapid rise in foods…

How Functional Foods Can Benefit Our Overall Wellness: 10 Nutrition Tips for 2018
Happiness, Nutrition, Wellness & Health

How Functional Foods Can Benefit Our Overall Wellness: 10 Nutrition Tips for 2018

As we make nutritional resolutions for the New Year, it’s worth considering the concept of functional foods-such as probiotics- and how they can benefit us. The idea behind functional foods is that they may create a positive effect on your health beyond simple nutrition. Those who support eating functional foods suggest that they encourage our peak wellness and help decrease…

Don’t Get Sick This Season and Stay Healthy During the Holidays
Body, Happiness, Lifestyle

Don’t Get Sick This Season and Stay Healthy During the Holidays

4 tips to keep you and your loved ones healthy Are you starting to feel that trickle in your throat? Cold chills? Lethargy? Yes, the holiday germs are here again. If the holiday season gives you anxiety from all the flu and cold germs floating around, you should embrace the following tips to stay healthy during the holidays. These recommendations…

10 Meaningful Christmas Songs

10 Meaningful Christmas Songs

  By now, we’ve probably all heard our fair share of Christmas music—it’s on the radio, coming through the loudspeaker at the grocery store, and on the soundtrack of every commercial. By the time Christmas actually rolls around, hearing “Have a Holly Jolly Christmas” one more time can be enough to frustrate even the most festive among us. If you’re…

De-Stress And Celebrate The Spirit Of The Holidays
Culture, Family, Happiness, Insight, Mindfulness

De-Stress And Celebrate The Spirit Of The Holidays

5 tips to enjoying the true spirit of the holiday season For many of us, the holidays are a stressful time. There are gifts to buy, dishes to cook and parties to attend. Instead of focusing on the busyness of the holiday season, look for ways to bring your own feelings about the meaning of the holidays into your life…

9 Handy Work Apps for the Holiday Season
Career & Business, Family, Happiness, Lifestyle, Technology

9 Handy Work Apps for the Holiday Season

The right business apps can help you be present for the celebrations In today’s fast-paced world, unplugging during the holidays is almost impossible. If you’ll be working this holiday season, a few apps can help you tackle your work tasks, so you have time to be present for celebrating with family and friends. Here are nine handy apps that will…

Practical Ways to Motivate Your Employees and Colleagues
Career & Business, Happiness, Lifestyle, Transformation

Practical Ways to Motivate Your Employees and Colleagues

5 tried-and-true strategies to maximize your team’s productivity Do you wish you could instill your passion in your team members? If you improve the morale of your employees and colleagues, it’s highly likely they will be more motivated to strive for excellence on every project they undertake. Some tested, successful motivational strategies are listed below, and each one will bring…

Juice Cleanses

Juice Cleanses

The Pros and Cons of a Juicing Diet

Realizing True Wealth
Happiness, Mindfulness, Wellness & Health, Wisdom

Realizing True Wealth

By Americ Azevedo We are born with true wealth, but constantly forget to realize the wealth we already have. Failing to acknowledge our true wealth we keep grasping for more, like hungry ghosts who are never satisfied while constantly eating! Thus, we go about despoiling the earth, corrupting relationships, and twisting societies into grotesque forms that promote needless suffering for…

How To Activate Your Brain’s Caring Center: Compassion

How To Activate Your Brain’s Caring Center: Compassion

5 ways to increase your skills at compassion and the benefits The quality of cultivating and expressing compassion is central to almost every religion on Earth, and also a major focus in the field of psychology. Concepts such as “mindfulness” or “loving-kindness meditation” have been steadily growing in popularity for several decades, and today a large body of evidence supports the…

Is it Spiritual to be Rich?
Happiness, Lifestyle, Spirituality, Wellness & Health

Is it Spiritual to be Rich?

By Will Donnelly Though it seems a familiar formula for those on a spiritual path to rebuke money and keep things simple (many holy people have taken vows of poverty), I now wonder if it isn’t time for light workers, those doing the most healing work on the planet, to be unafraid to be the next billionaires. It begs the question:…

Your Life Is An Interactive Quilt

Your Life Is An Interactive Quilt

Making an impact by combining your passions and challenges As a longtime quilter of 35 years, I tend to look at life through the lens of a quilt. You take all these separate and seemingly disjointed pieces, put them together and magic happens. The finished quilt is beautiful, colorful, and the fabrics you couldn’t imagine fitting together somehow managed to…

5 Benefits of Unplugging For The Holidays

5 Benefits of Unplugging For The Holidays

Tips to staying off electronic devices The onslaught of family, friends and social events that occur during the holidays is enough to make even the most social person want to sneak away and enjoy some alone time. But if your idea of relaxing during the festive madness translates into checking in on Facebook, drooling over Insta-worthy photos or playing a…

Let Your Own Brand of Kindness Shine This Giving Tuesday

Let Your Own Brand of Kindness Shine This Giving Tuesday

3 tips to letting your generous spirit glow this holiday season The holiday season is in full swing whether you’re ready for it or not. The holidays are a time to cherish your family, reflect on your blessings and share a little bit of extra warmth and light with those who cross your path. Often, the focus of the season…

How to Find Peace During The Black Friday Rush
Happiness, Rose's Blog

How to Find Peace During The Black Friday Rush

Tips to stay focused on the true holiday spirit   Black Friday conjures all kinds of images: stampedes to cheap television sets, people pushing others out of the way to grab crazy deals and fistfights breaking out over the last item of a certain type. The beginning of the holidays seems to pass by the true meaning of what people…

20 Gratitude Quotes To Inspire You This Thanksgiving
Happiness, Rose's Blog

20 Gratitude Quotes To Inspire You This Thanksgiving

Words of wisdom to live by Happy Thanksgiving! Today I encourage all of you not only to reflect on what you are grateful for, but more importantly, express it. And, remember gratitude is much more than saying, “Thank you.” It’s counting your blessings, looking on the bright side and being in the present moment. Gratitude is not taking things for…

How Gratitude Changes Your Brain
Happiness, Rose's Blog

How Gratitude Changes Your Brain

The science behind why positivity is healthy Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for. —Zig Ziglar How are you doing with your November gratitude challenge so far? We are halfway through the month, so hopefully your gratitude journal…

Give Yourself the Gift Of Stress-Free Holidays
Happiness, Relationships, Rose's Blog

Give Yourself the Gift Of Stress-Free Holidays

3 ways to stay sane this season It’s the season of peace, love and joy. But the high level of stress during the holidays is enough to make anyone occasionally feel a bit Grinchy. It’s hard to say no to parties, gift exchanges, family traditions, charities and the never-ending supply of sweets and alcohol, but it’s important to remember to…

Today Is World Kindness Day
Happiness, Rose's Blog

Today Is World Kindness Day

Simple caring acts unite and inspire us Did you know today is World Kindness Day? This holiday encourages people around the world to be kinder to one another and spread kindness to inspire positive global change. World Kindness Day focuses on how kindness unites us, regardless of race religion and gender. Kindness is about sincerely caring for others around you. There is…

Are You A Perfectionist Overfunctioner?

Are You A Perfectionist Overfunctioner?

6 Tips To Finally Stop Doing Too Much, and Find More Happiness and Peace This month, I read a riveting post by Elizabeth Gilbert on “The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself — And All The Women Around You” that had me nodding continuously, and sympathizing wholeheartedly with Elizabeth’s take on what’s going on for so many women today.…

Journal Your Way to a Mindful State

Journal Your Way to a Mindful State

Writing helps you get in touch with your thoughts and emotions Writing to yourself offers many benefits. Documenting your life not only ensures that you remember the important things that happen to you, but it also gives you access to your own hidden bits of knowledge and insight. By writing down your thoughts, reflections and the important things that happen…

Your 30-Day Gratitude Challenge

Your 30-Day Gratitude Challenge

Reflect on what you are grateful for this month   Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance. –Eckhart Tolle When life gets stressful, it’s easy to forget how lucky we are and lose sight of all the good in our lives – myself included. While I know that I’m blessed to…

5 Ways To Train Your Brain To Make Friday The 13th Lucky
Happiness, Rose's Blog

5 Ways To Train Your Brain To Make Friday The 13th Lucky

Science Proves You Can Rewire Your Brain for Prosperity If you’ve been unhappy because you think you weren’t “born lucky,” you should know the truth: you can change your luck. I’ve watched it happen as I’ve personally helped to rewire my clients’ thought patterns and habits to create more luck in their lives. No matter how bad things are in…

16 Inspirational Quotes In Honor of Eleanor Roosevelt’s Birthday
Happiness, Rose's Blog

16 Inspirational Quotes In Honor of Eleanor Roosevelt’s Birthday

A shining example of what a First Lady and human rights activist can achieve On October 11, 1884, Eleanor Roosevelt was born – former First Lady, humans rights activist and one of the most influential women of the 20th century. She led a remarkable life, fighting for the causes she believed in and set the bar for what women in politics…

5 Techniques To Fight Back Your Inner Critic

5 Techniques To Fight Back Your Inner Critic

Talk back to the negative voice in your head with these tactics   I know why I walk with a limp. It’s because my legs are different lengths. So who is it that shrieks at me every time I cross a room: You ugly, graceless, clumsy cripple? My inner critic, that’s who. The trouble with our inner critics is that they…

Join Us and Help Support Relief Efforts in Mexico and Puerto Rico

Join Us and Help Support Relief Efforts in Mexico and Puerto Rico

Our hearts go out to victims and their families Our thoughts are with the people of Mexico and Puerto Rico in the wake of these devastating natural tragedies.  During such difficult times, we must come together and show our support. We encourage everyone to give back and take part in the relief efforts. A little goes a long way: Mexico…

Courageous Aging
Happiness, Rose's Blog

Courageous Aging

Excerpt from Dr. Ken Druck’s new book I hear many of my friends joke, “I’m having a senior moment,” and while I know they’re kidding, on some level, it’s stemming from their fear of getting older. And let’s face it –getting older can be scary, especially if we buy into the media’s myths and society’s negative stereotypes about aging. In…

Empowering Quotes As We Remember Louise Hay
Happiness, Wisdom

Empowering Quotes As We Remember Louise Hay

Farewell to self-help pioneer and spiritual thought leader

Arts in Business: Corporate Arts-Based Learning
Career & Business, Happiness

Arts in Business: Corporate Arts-Based Learning

Focus on the creative and intuitive to enhance your work performance The corporate world looks much different today than in the suit and tie world of the mid-20th century. Now, you’re seeing chefs, yoga teachers and foosball tables around the office, aiming to bring a healthy work-life balance, and to providing new ways for employees and managers to grow. Offices…

Waldo’s Wisdom: 4 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Your Dog
Happiness, Waldo's Wisdom

Waldo’s Wisdom: 4 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Your Dog

It’s all about acceptance There’s no denying that dogs are wise creatures. We’ve been walking alongside you for centuries – watching you love, cry, succeed and fail. We are always there to love you, especially during the times when you forget to love yourself. While life is filled with ups and downs, dogs are here to remind you about what…

The Many Benefits of Art Therapy

The Many Benefits of Art Therapy

Creativity heals and fosters our bodies and minds

6 Tips to Beat Stress This Summer

6 Tips to Beat Stress This Summer

Adjust your diet and free your schedule to reduce tension naturally

Quotes to Inspire Patriotism
Culture, Happiness

Quotes to Inspire Patriotism

What our country means to figures throughout American history

Delicious, Healthy Summer Recipes You’ll Want to Save

Delicious, Healthy Summer Recipes You’ll Want to Save

Stay healthy with these tasty breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas   Breakfast If you can’t wake up every morning with pineapple and green smoothies waiting for you on your beachfront hotel room, bring the tropics home with these fun and healthy ideas. Breakfast Grain Salad with Blueberries, Hazelnuts, and Lemon Ingredients 1 cup dry steel-cut oats 1 cup dry golden…

Give Mom the Gift of Wellness
Happiness, Lifestyle, Rose's Blog

Give Mom the Gift of Wellness

My top 7 picks to pamper your mom this Mother’s Day

Waldo’s Wisdom: The Healing Power of Therapy Dogs
Happiness, Waldo's Wisdom

Waldo’s Wisdom: The Healing Power of Therapy Dogs

A spotlight on my brother Romeo, a therapy dog I hope you all enjoyed my feature on doga last week – Rose and I were inspired to try some of the more challenging yoga poses, and let’s just say I am sticking to my day job writing Waldo’s Wisdom. Today I wanted to focus on therapy dogs, and since my…

Our Hearts Go Out To The People Of London
Culture, Happiness

Our Hearts Go Out To The People Of London

Feeling and seeing love, support and compassion is more important now than ever


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