We’re always looking for new ways to connect with people who share our vision of inspiring others to find their path in life. So when we saw the amazing lineup of speakers coming to New York City’s Javits Center for Hay House’s I Can Do It! weekend, we registered right away. Developed by Louise Hay, the two-day urban wellness retreat features an impressive lineup of authors sharing their insights on overcoming obstacles, healing past pain, and making positive choices for a happier, healthier life.
There’s still time to sign up, but even if you can’t attend, be sure to check out our list of fall must-reads—our favorite Hay House books by I Can Do It! speakers:

The Real Food Revolution: Healthy Eating, Green Groceries, and the Return of the American Family Farm by Congressman Tim Ryan
“I am not an absolutist or an extremist. I love food, and lots of different kinds of food. I’d go on different diets and then I cheated…But I have, slowly and over time, moved myself in the direction of healthier eating.”
You may have seen news about Congressman Tim Ryan and his efforts to start a nationwide mindful revolution which he wrote about in A Mindful Nation, but in his new book, out October 15, he takes on another challenge—a real food revolution. Known for his integrated approach to wellness, Ryan intends his informative new book as a call to action about the benefits of living and eating more healthfully. In a country where we have to navigate grocery store shelves packed with foods full of GMOs, preservatives, and ingredients no one can pronounce, Ryan has his work cut out for him. Instead of spouting facts and condemning junk food, the congressman focuses on relatable stories and useful, interesting information.

Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being by Christiane Northrup
“I didn’t want to write a health book for women that would scare them about growing older and tell them how to prepare for every awful thing that could happen to them….I didn’t want to carve the female body into pieces and tell women to use these ten tips to make sure that this piece doesn’t fall apart or to make sure that system doesn’t go haywire. I am so over that approach to health.”
Christiane Northrup is the author of the wellness classic Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, and a widely renowned physician, but that’s not all. She has dedicated her career to helping women learn about and feel good in their bodies, rather than focusing on everything that can go wrong. Dr. Northrup is an advocate of finding the connection between physical and mental health. In her newest book, Goddesses Never Age, Northrup tackles the complex subject of female aging. Busting myths about growing older and offering tips that can apply to women of all generations, Northrup’s book is a refreshing take on women’s wellness that offers a serving of girl power as a side dish to its health-focused main course.

For the Sender: Love Is Not (a Feeling) by Alex Woodard
“It’s the true story of how writing a song about a letter changed my life, but it’s also the story of something bigger, because over the course of a year I received three more letters: one from the widow of a police officer killed in the line of duty, one from the director of a homeless shelter for kids, and one from a medic in Haiti. This book is about their stories, too, told through their letters and in songs from a close-knit group of musicians and songwriters.”
Author and singer-songwriter Alex Woodard’s book and CD—For the Sender—was inspired by a letter, which turned into a song. After years of trying to make it in the music industry, Woodard landed a record deal. In an effort to promote his album, he offered to write a song for anyone who pre-ordered his record and sent him a letter telling their story. The record deal fell apart, but Woodard got something better—a letter from a woman named Emily whose partner had passed away. Woodard wrote a song based on her letter—the first song in For the Sender. He has written twelve songs based on letters from people from all walks of life. His book, an account of his journey and process, is as poetic and sensitive as his songs. Woodard has a gift for communication in both his music and his prose.

Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing by Anita Moorjani
“I felt no attachment to my limp body as it lay there on the hospital bed. It didn’t feel as though it were mine. It looked far too small and insignificant to house what I was experiencing. I felt free, liberated, and magnificent! Every pain, ache, sadness, and sorrow was gone. I was completely unencumbered, and I couldn’t recall feeling this way before—not ever.”
Anita Moorjani’s story is no doubt a remarkable one. After fighting cancer for almost four years, her body began shutting down, organ by organ. As she was rushed to the hospital, Moorjani felt a deep sense of calm and fearlessness. She articulates how it felt to slip out of consciousness and enter into a near-death state that she characterizes as “being encompassed by something that I can only describe as pure, unconditional love.” After regaining consciousness, Moorjani shocked doctors when they saw no trace of the cancer in her body. She recounts her ordeal with incredible clarity, making her memoir a fascinating take on rewiring health.
We hope to see you at Hay House’s I Can Do It! conference this weekend. We’d love to know which books you’re most excited to read.
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