So many believe that art is a singular experience, one just between the viewer and the work. In actuality, art has the power to change the way we view our world. Just think back to Picasso’s “Guernica,” which brought worldwide attention to the bombing of Guernica and the violence of the Spanish Civil War.But what about art that simply desires to make one happy?

We all wish to see beauty, be content and experience joy. The new movement of Inspirationalism Art seeks to do just that. Inspirationalism is all about feeling the power of connection we all have to one another, while simultaneous experiencing and feeling the work. It’s not about lengthy conversations or explanations; it’s about experience in its purest form.

I had the joy of attending an art show created by Julia Miller and Tatyana Enkin that explored this new movement—a show titled Sid of Art. Walking in, you can sense the harmony of exhibit as a whole, both due in equal parts to its artists and curators. Sid of Art covers four continents: Asia, Europe, North America, and South America. As you travel through the room, you can feel yourself traveling to each special location, each with their own unique flavor and signature.
I was inspired first by an Asian artist Sonam Yeshi, who’s work The Four Friends was featured. The work is based off myth of The Four Friends, which follows a grouse, an elephant, a monkey, and a hare on their path to wisdom and enlightenment. They embraced a happy order of things that allowed them to live in harmony and enjoy each other and they found that this was all because of their respect for others.

The painting came alive with vibrant purple details and a subtle gold weaved throughout. Captivated at first glance, and as I walked closer, the details completely drew me in.
Bob Bonis’s photographs from The Uncovered Beatles Collection brought about all the nostalgia and joy of 1960’s Americana. Both spiritual and entertaining, the prints offered a religious experience different from the others, one set in the modern era. Whereas Yeshi pulls her theology from the Hindu religion, Bonis choose to embrace the new wave mysticism that is the “rock god.”

Then you have Daniel Marin, the spirituality of the future as I see it. His flowing oils on canvas remind me of a god not yet seen. The one we could all follow in the future, with our flying cars and self-tying shoes. His work is color and movement in its richest form. Each work had a journey of it’s own and each led you to different destination. The wonderful part about it was its independence, its openness to be anything and anywhere you needed it to be. This is Inspirationalism Art™ in action explained Tatyana Enkin and Julia Miller.

Lastly, there was the beauty of the Embrace ArtScarf ™ from Marcella Echavarria. Here was the “god of now,” the wearable textile that preserved photography of Buddha’s hands in luxury and comfort. Wrapping myself in the soft cashmere had both a soothing and spiritual effect.
Art is not just something you put on a wall. The true beauty of art is being brought together by creativity and connection. It doesn’t matter what religion, culture or background you come from; art reflects the creativity and inspiration that is universal. SID of Art brings all of this to life, and we can’t wait to see what comes next.
Rose Caiola
Inspired. Rewired.
Click here to see more of Daniel Marin’s artwork
To find out more about Rose’s thoughts on how to live a happier life, click here
Carla Steffano
WOW this puts art on a new level!! The story behind this is amazing! Thank you for this article!
Julia Miller
Thank you for your kind comment about the power of art and the spiritual connection it can make with your soul. It is so wonderful to have the opportunity to work with such talented artists and share their stories. We look forward to sharing more amazing stories like this in the future. In appreciation, Julia
Beautiful, extraordinary collection of art… not bad!! Cool story behind the project… Will follow up on this
Julia Miller
Dear Edin,
Thank you for your kind words. The Artwork we are able to share from http://www.sidofart.com is amazing. Please let us know if we can help you connect with the artists.
My best – Julia
I cannot wait to read more about this, I love art and this is so interesting!