I spent many years in search of happiness, in search of my life’s purpose, and in search of answers to questions that were constantly popping up for me. Questions like:

What makes me happy?

Is my relationship all I think it’s cracked up to be?

Is my real estate career fulfilling my soul?

Am I the ideal parent?

Am I challenged in ways I need to be?

If I were to die tomorrow, would I die fulfilled?

There came a point in my life when I realized that nothing in my outer world was enough to make me happy. Nothing outside of myself could fill my heart. I got sick and tired of being sick and tired—and of continuing to make the same external changes only to realize they weren’t bringing me the happiness I expected. I realized that in order for real change to occur it needed to begin with an internal action.

I also knew I needed something greater than me to get me out of my own way. So, I studied disciplines that were interesting to me, figuring out how to apply the practices I learned at critical moments, which ultimately helped me navigate my path. Once this newfound knowledge was embraced, I was able to move on to the next step of my Rewire me journey.

Rewire Me can be that “something” for you, too. You’ve come to the right place if you:

  • Enjoy learning new and diverse ways to approach self-awareness.
  • Want to break old patterns and behaviors, or change your way of thinking.
  • Like reading an article that invokes new thoughts.
  • Want to be part of a community of like-minded individuals who are also on a journey.
  • Feel like you’re often reaching for something that either isn’t there or will never come to you.
  • Think you’ve achieved what you set out to do, only to find out you haven’t accomplished it after all.
  • Are unhappy with your physical or emotional health.
  • Want to change something in your life that isn’t working.
  • Find yourself at a crossroad and don’t know which path to take.

Community, Tools, and Support

Rewire Me can provide you with tools and support, and connect you to a community who you can turn to for answers. You will find experts who will explain the many diverse ways to approach self-awareness by offering:

  • Information: The latest scientific research on brain, body, and heart.
  • Events: Workshops, lectures, classes, and festivals.
  • Learning: Workshops, online courses, webinars, and Goggle chats.
  • Support: Community-building connections and relationships with like-minded people sharing mutual experiences.

I believe there is no one path for everyone. Everyone has a path, but these paths are different for each of us. At Rewire Me, if you’re willing to walk the path, we’re here to support you, and provide outlets and resources that can assist you.


Rose Caiola
Inspired. Rewired.

To find out even more about Rose’s thoughts on how to live a happier life, click here

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