“All through the long winter, I dream of my garden. On the first day of spring, I dig my fingers deep into the soft earth. I can feel its energy, and my spirits soar.”

— Helen Hayes

Join me in celebrating the vernal equinox

While last week was the official start of the spring season, it didn’t quite feel like it here in snowy New York City. I’m optimistic that the 20 degree weather is behind us, and we can look forward to flowers blooming, trees budding, and all the other beautiful signs of spring that Mother Nature has in store for us.

To me, spring is a time of rebirth and transformation, and a time to celebrate new beginnings. The days get longer, the sun gets stronger – everyone and everything comes alive again.

This time of year marks the vernal equinox, when day becomes balanced between equal amounts of light and darkness. Not only is it an excellent time to enjoy the outdoors, but it’s also a wonderful opportunity for personal growth.

Here are a few ways to celebrate the vernal equinox:

Connect with yourself


The shift from winter to spring brings with it a fresh energy and perspective about life. Look within yourself to reach a deeper level of self-awareness, and think about ways you can connect to your higher self – the part of you that is loving, compassionate and gives you the strength to become the person you are meant to be.

Connect to nature

Spending time in a natural environment is scientifically proven to promote physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Whenever I walk in Central Park and listen to the sound of the birds chirping and feel the warm sun on my face, I experience a sense of calm and inner peace.

Honor spring as a family

family meals matter

Spending time with your kids creates opportunities to discuss balance, by digging together in the dirt and planting flowers and creating ways to help children understand all kinds of growth – including their own. You can take walks in the sunshine during the day and point out the moon at night. You can discuss the presence of the light and the dark and the joy that comes from finishing an old season and starting a new day.

Spring clean

This is the perfect time to do some tidying and take a look at those on-going household to-dos. Cleaning also puts you in the present. A simple task such as organizing your closet, allows you to focus in the moment – which in turn, reduces stress.

Try a spring ritual

Rituals expert Barbara Biziou, author of The Joy of Ritual, recommends an outdoor ritual to celebrate the spring season. Whether it’s a beach, park or backyard setting, find a spot in nature.

First, make an altar with spring flowers. Sit on the ground and thank Mother Nature for the sustenance throughout the winter months.

Next make a garland of flowers, a gift of love and devotion. As you decorate it, get as creative as you like by adding ribbons or other ornaments to make it unique. Choose to make a crown, instead, by weaving the flowers together.

When you place the garland around your recipient’s neck – or head if it’s a crown – be conscious of honoring the life source, and the renewal of life after the decay of winter.

Wishing you a wonderful spring season!

Rose Caiola
Inspired. Rewired.

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