
Q: “Are there really signs in life or just coincidences?”


We can know that the signs are real if we:

  1. Let go. We can’t know everything. Let the universe show us what it will without judging its gifts.
  2. Don’t predict the outcome. Any good scientist will say this. Try to stay objective.
  3. Trust. Know that the answer will present itself without our having to do anything.
  4. Hear what others have to say.
  5. Decide for ourselves what is right for us, not what others expect of us.

Q: “What questions should I ask if I want to change my life?”


Just as a traveler needs a roadmap to get to his destination, we all need to find a path that will take us from where we are to where we want to be. These questions will get you started on your path.

  1. Is the message real?
  2. How do we tell if it’s love?
  3. How can we know when the ways that used to work don’t work anymore?
  4. Which spiritual path (if any) is the right one?
  5. Can we change our minds and can our minds change us?
  6. When is it time to let go?
  7. How can we give our lives meaning?


  • Emilio
    Posted November 12, 2015 10:28 am 0Likes

    Ok a good place to start, I’m gonna print these to remind myself to stay on course.
    Thanks for the good words.

  • Robert Silverton
    Posted November 12, 2015 11:03 am 0Likes

    Great advice about what questions to ask if I really want to change my life! Thank you, this is very helpful!!

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