Ways to spread the love on February 14th Some people dread Valentine’s Day because they feel that without perfect, romantic love, they are doomed to have a bad day. But February 14th is a day to celebrate all kinds of love – regardless of your relationship status. This holiday is one where even the most staunchly single can fill our…
How to create deeper connections in a virtual workplace. I retired from teaching a number of years ago and now work with a non-profit organization where everything is done in a virtual environment. This was a new experience for me. I knew from the beginning that the technical aspects of the virtual workplace would be challenging. I had a lot…
Parenting with mindfulness requires us first to do some work on ourselves
Show a little gratitude and be joyful this Christmas
How to find a love that lasts a lifetime
How different types of touch affect relationships
What kind of examples are we setting for them
8 tips for keeping the peace Thanksgiving will be here before you know it, and along with cooking and traveling, there can be a certain level of stress associated with managing family time. This can be especially true if you have challenging relationships with certain relatives. Fortunately, you can use some of the same helpful strategies from your work environment…
Strategies to help stressful mealtime scenes with kids
Move beyond labels and into the act of authentic relating
Excerpt from Fred Nour’s new book, True Love
“Self-love is the knowing that you were created to be completely loved and completely lovable just as you are. When you embrace this truth, the world mirrors that knowing. When you don’t feel loved or lovable, it is because you have lost your connection to your spiritual nature. You have lost your connection to your true self.” – Deepak Chopra…
Get the cooperation you want and strengthen the connection you share
Use these techniques to defend yourself
The emotional transaction between pets and owners yields scientific benefits
Cutting virtual ties can be the best thing for your relationship
As a mother and a writer who frequently covers child development issues, I’ve read countless parenting books filled with methods “guaranteed” to result in better-behaved children and a more peaceful, productive home. All of these titles are penned by experts who seem certain that their step-by-step strategies (and their strategies alone) are the key to raising happy, healthy kids—no matter…
Unlike other matchmaking sites, Boomerly is designed to help users find friends
How to deal with toxic relationships
How to slowly regrow a vulnerable heart Opening your heart after a breakup begins with acceptance of the pain you feel. Fighting your emotions will slow down the healing process. Meanwhile, there are new rituals, points of view, daily habits and self-care that will move your broken heart toward a place of mending with openness and love. Don’t avoid your…
The science behind healthy and long-lasting relationships
How to move more gracefully through a bad day From losing your keys or forgetting an appointment to missing out on an expected promotion, some days just don’t go your way. When your day gives you the blues, your mind can become your worst enemy. But with some focused thoughts and actions, you can get through it all with your…
Increasing your odds
Instilling ethical values in children
Stop searching for it in the wrong places
Finding bonding and balance on the relationship spectrum
Do it for the right reasons
Preparing your children for the future
Parenting expert Michele Borba has answered your most sought-after questions
In your personal and professional life
3 ways parents can recharge with and without their kids
A guide for family and friends
Canine emotions are strikingly similar to humans’, and for good reason.
5 ways to keep marriage alive with kids
Is your relationship worth keeping?
3 habits to help you become more accepting
5 step process to find love again
Advice for staying in love when cancer changes everything
A few simple ways to get your relationship back on track
Moving past mistakes
How to know if your feelings of jealousy are out of control
How being more positive can make work and personal relationships more successful As a trained marriage and family therapist and career coach, I’ve spent more than eight years researching what makes some people highly successful – both interpersonally and in business – and others doomed to fail. I’ve observed this: being more positive in your behaviors and language makes room…
And how to stick to them
How to identify abuse and stop blaming yourself
A psychological perspective
Spending more energy with your loved one energizes the love
3 questions to ask yourself
Quality time builds healthy bodies and minds
Parenting expert Michele Borba has answered your most sought-after questions
Mindfully moving past rejection
Change your thoughts by choosing your words.
How to create positive change in your life
But It’s Not Your Fault
Are you making these parenting mistakes?
Regardless of how much two people love each other, sometimes couple therapy is just what the doctor ordered
Giving of yourself creates room for intimacy
Dogs are friendly, loyal animals that make our lives better. They offer us companionship, love, and utter friendship. But, did you know that owning a dog actually had real health benefits? And not just physical ones. They’re also great for our mental health, and all in all, just make the quality of our life better. They bring happiness to the…
Demonstrating appreciation brings people closer
Dos and don’ts for talking to teens about abuse
Happy Father’s Day!
Thanksgiving teaches us to love through honesty and vulnerability Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite holidays because as a nation we’re invited and encouraged to immerse ourselves in the experience of gratitude. We’re also reminded to be a bit more aware of the many blessings that surround us each day. Of course, the scrumptious food and delicious love of…
3 ways pets help with emotional development in children
Streamline your friendships for greater life satisfaction. We declutter our drawers, our cars and our closets. How often do we tidy up our social lives? They probably aren’t terribly streamlined, as pruning them sounds so … severe. It’s okay to take stock. Consider the research of esteemed anthropologist Robin Dunbar, who studies the evolutionary structure of social networks in primates.…
The neuroscience of love
At work and home
Make changes to bring happiness into your life
Fascinating facts about the love/neuroscience connection
A parent’s guide to do’s and don’ts
A parent’s guide to do’s and don’ts
Mental illness affects not only you but your children
Which part of yourself steers your relationship?
5 tips for coping with your partner’s mood disorder
Set the stage for her future relationships
How the choices you make impact your life
Tools to begin the process of letting go Toxic relationships can come from any source – mother-daughter, romantic, work-place relationships. Likewise, there are many different ways that a relationship can be toxic. Some people can be endlessly demanding; some are even manipulative or cruel. Whatever the relationship, or however the toxicity appears, it can be negative, unhealthy and draining. Sometimes,…
It hit me four years into my career—at that point, a sequence of entry-level to associate-level jobs—as I was filing papers for my boss on a Friday evening. The office lights had already gone out, and I was the only person left. I’d had too much work during the week to get to this more menial task. So there I was, on…
Helping children to cope better with school and life
7 Ways to Help Kids Unplug from Technology
My childhood unfolded in the last few years BC (Before Computers). However, my own children and my students have lived their entire lives with bleeps and buzzes and signals from multiple channels of information. Parents and teachers alike worry about the impact that constant multitasking is having on children’s developing brains. Kids—digital natives—swim comfortably in the floods of information and…
Appreciating the sexual feelings in our everyday lives
How to stay sane when dealing with a demanding superior
Effective strategies to build stronger relationships
Families who eat together, stay together.
Five types of difficult personalities and how to cope with them
And the truth behind them
How to manage a relationship when celibacy seems easier
3 tips to make sure your relationship stays on track
Help them feel better about getting things done
Sisterhood makes one stronger, smarter, more confident
How to discover what’s in your partner’s wallet
Why delaying intimacy will strengthen your relationship
Tips for beating holiday stress and depression
3 things you can do for them and yourself
Check out our top 5 articles on giving
It’s more than being sympathetic
Finding bonding and balance on the relationship spectrum
3 ways to stay sane this season It’s the season of peace, love and joy. But the high level of stress during the holidays is enough to make anyone occasionally feel a bit Grinchy. It’s hard to say no to parties, gift exchanges, family traditions, charities and the never-ending supply of sweets and alcohol, but it’s important to remember to…
How to get the behavior you want without being the parent you hate
Show your brothers and sisters how much you care
How to find your ideal mate I’m so excited about my partnership with Stan Tatkin! We’ll be doing an exclusive Q&A with the Rewire Me community. Stan has helped me in my marriage by teaching me how our brains work in relationships and the neuroscience behind love. Stan is a clinician, researcher, teacher, and developer of A Psychobiological Approach to…
And shame sabotages our desire for closenes
Parenting expert Michele Borba has answered your most sought-after questions
Let’s embrace our differences, and remember that hatefulness does not have to exist.
What are you grateful for?
Expert helps parents keep kids healthy this Halloween
How You Relate to Yourself Predicts Your Relationship Success With Others
But It’s Not Your Fault
Interview with Dr. Ken
Let go of those who no longer serve your highest good
Choose your partner for the right reasons
Learn empowering language and action
And how to land a second one
Cellphones may cause a lack of empathy
In honor of World Breastfeeding Week
In honor of World Breastfeeding Week
How to communicate for success
The pain of divorce can bring us to our knees. What if there’s a way not just to regain our footing but to step onto a new emotional path?
Finding a balance between homework and play time
Adapting to the Life of a Caregiver
Strategies for Caring for Yourself While Caring for Others
Is your partner’s ego at fault
Interview with parenting expert Dr Shefali Tsabary
3 Tips manage your child’s screen time
Five ways to cope
Help children grow into confident, capable adults
Sometimes parents and guardians miss the signs
How to improve your relationship with your child
Life is too short to keep it safe
The vernal equinox as an opportunity for balance and growth
How children benefit from vicarious fear
Red flags that a relationship is abusive
Repair and restore your realtionship
How to spot one
Actions speak louder than words
New in town? 5 ways to make new friends
Humor and happiness don’t necessarily fade with age
The secret to strengthen relationships
You can’t protect your child from the world, but you can prepare them
How do you know when it’s “time?
The Science behind choosing the perfect gift
When it’s time to let a guy go
Psychology plays a key role in how gifts are perceived by giver and receiver
Men who can shed a tear and show their feelings are sexy
The giver benefits too
5 ways to heal and find happiness
10 ways to make the most out of all that attention
Excerpt from Roman Krznaric’s new book
Diet and exercise benefits kids their whole life
How to get children to understand
A holistic way to help the healing
Create vibrant relationships using the science of mindfulness
8 ways to communicate when a loved one has Alzheimer’s
Why cats make great pets
Let me be your husband again
Five insights for a healthier transition for all
And ready to enter the workplace with confidence
It’s important to know the whole story before calling it quits
Do you have to be in a relationship to be happy?
Know the signs and seek help
Tips to help build a strong relationship
5 ways to rekindle the lost spark
How to be social when reaching out makes you cave in
Daily ways to be more loving toward our friends, our family and ourselves
They are out there, just sometimes overlooked
A new book aims to help kids deal with the fear of failing
An interview with noted clinical sexologist Dr Kat Van Kirk
Warning signs and how to manage it
Deciding when to stay or go can make all the difference
Excerpt from Tara Fields’ new book
Inheriting wisdom on Grandparents Day
How to help your child develop confidence
Owning up to your mistakes and forgiving yourself creates a healthier romance
For your children and yourself
There is a time for tech, but our children come first
How to know whether its love or just confusion
Turn a broken heart into a healing heart
How we interpret someone’s face has a surprising correlation with what that person will become
How to experience love more fully
Raising capable, grateful kids in an over-entitled world
Here’s how to break the cycle
The antidote isn’t a different parenting approach, it’s a new mindset
Tips to guide your son or daughter down the right path
In an either / or relationship, no one wins
How friendship makes a difference to your brain and your life
How the paradox of choice impacts dating and relationships
An interview with Meggan Watterson and Lodro Rinzler on love, spirituality and everything in between
Playtime is more than having fun, it can improve your child’s development