Sleep is healing and affirmations are empowering.

Together, they are a powerful combination and most importantly, I have found that they work.

At the end of a busy summer day, one of my favorite things to do, before I go to bed, is to reflect on the day’s events. During this time, I acknowledge when I wasn’t at my best and praise myself when I was. Often, I find that I’m not my best-self due to stress or an emotional block. At this point, I have a choice; to stay in that space and beat myself up, or to make an effort to rewire my emotional state.

I rewire my thinking by reciting positive affirmations and then meditate on them for about 10-15 minutes. I like to say affirmations out loud, one by one, slowly and deliberately. The more I repeat them, the more empowered I feel. Not only does this allow me to forgive myself; it also brings me peace and sets the tone for a good night’s rest.

This bedtime routine brings me clarity and peace of mind. I encourage you to give it a try and see what it can do for you. Choose a few (maybe two or three) affirmations and repeat them like a mantra. Say them out loud and say them like you mean it! You need to believe and embody them for them to work!

Here are some of my favorite bedtime affirmations that can help you drift off peacefully:

1. I Am Free

I let go of fear, worry, and negativity. I free myself from the anxiety and stress of the day. I release the weight off my shoulders and let go of negative thoughts. I keep only the happy ones.

2. I Am Peace

I release the stress of today and peace trickles in with each breath, filling me with a sense of joy and calm that subdues all worries.

3. I Am Accomplished

I have done my best today and what I’ve done today is enough. I now allow myself time to rest.

4. I Am Gratitude

As I go to sleep, I give thanks for another beautiful day. I experience gratitude for everything I have, and my life is filled with abundance and goodness.

5. I Am Rest

As the night comes, my worries fade and I embrace my dreams. I sleep peacefully knowing I have done all I could do for today. I welcome my slumber and rest knowing that tomorrow will come with new possibilities.


Ending your day with positive thoughts is essential. No matter how the day went, reconnecting to your inner reserves of power and peace is a welcome relief. After your affirmations, try meditating to calm your mind and spirit.

Also, as always, we love your interaction with our posts as it creates a reservoir of wisdom and a community of sharing for all of our readers to benefit.  So please, share your thoughts, stories, and questions with us. I love to hear from you!

Moreover, don’t forget to share these bedtime affirmations with someone who also needs a peaceful sleep.

“Sleep is the best meditation.” – Dalai Lama


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