I’m thrilled to tell you about a radio appearance I’ll be making this week!

Wednesday, April 17, at 2 p.m. (EST), I’ll be on Changing Direction with Michele Rosenthal, a weekly program designed to help people turn themselves around and get headed in the right direction—in other words, to rewire themselves.
This week’s show is about ancient practices and scientific discoveries in healing. How grateful I am for the opportunity to reach out to listeners about these fascinating topics.
You can listen to the interview via your computer or phone. Just follow this link for info. You can also call in with your comments and questions at 347-324-5164. If you miss the show, you can access the free downloadable archive.
Rose Caiola
Inspired. Rewired.
1 Comment
Erica Stevens
This was a really good show. I recommend the podcast to anyone who missed it.