Romantic feelings originate in the brain, not the heart—and with some surprising results!

Romantic feelings originate in the brain, not the heart—and with some surprising results!
Dr. Jeffrey Rubin says that finding emotional logic is the key to understanding your behavior.
Dr. McCraty and the Institute of HeartMath are forging a path to greater well-being for humanity around the world
Every year many of us engage in a ritual that leads to failure and disappointment: creating and breaking New Year’s resolutions. In December we decide, say, that we want to lose weight, declutter our homes, make better choices in relationships, or practice meditation or yoga regularly. And several weeks after January 1st, we realize that we have failed and…
Scientific research and real-life case studies show that noninvasive, nonmedical approaches may be the best way to help children overcome ADHD
Conquer your fear of missing out (or FOMO) by rewiring your approach to social media
In seventh grade, I decided to try out for my school musical. With no prior singing experience or vocal talent whatsoever, I clearly didn’t think it through. As I naively stood in line waiting for my audition, the girls around me asked one another, “What are you going to sing?” They each named a different song from a Broadway play,…
An author’s intuitive new approach gets to the very heart of raising children
You can convert self-criticism into long-lasting learning processes that encourage you to become better at who you are, how you live, and what you do