All My Relations

All My Relations

March blew out with surrender. There was that day I drove home from the beach, drinking as usual. But then, a moment of clarity. Noticing how fast “just one” became six at 60 mph, I saw myself as I was: an alcoholic. Funny, after 35 years of “problem drinking,” in the end it was one lousy six-pack that did me…

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Photography’s Impact on Perception of War

Photography’s Impact on Perception of War

The new medium of photography came into its own during the Civil War, capturing thousands of images of soldiers, statesmen, freed slaves, and devastated towns and cities. Its impact on public perception of war was dramatic, demonstrating the power of visual media to shape public opinion. An exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City entitled “Photography…

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The Path to Personal Freedom

The Path to Personal Freedom

I happen to love the number four. It encompasses the beautiful array of seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall. And the elements: Water (what we’re mostly made up of), Air (the breath that keeps us alive), Fire (our spirit, our passion), and Earth (the ground beneath us, what grounds us to our true selves). And of course, there are the four…

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Training Your Weakness in Relationships

Training Your Weakness in Relationships

At the end of an essay on the American painter David Salle in Janet Malcolm’s new collection, Forty-one False Starts, Salle asks the author, “Have you ever thought that your real life hasn’t begun yet?” It’s a sentiment many of us share. Increasing numbers of my psychotherapy clients complain of a life in which they play a bit part. They…

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Relationships: How Are We Doing?

Relationships: How Are We Doing?

We had a great response to our Mother’s Week in May—thank you! With Father’s Day approaching, I couldn’t help but reflect on all kinds of relationships. We’ll be featuring a variety of articles on that theme all month. When I think about relationships, my first instinct is to think about those I have with the people closest to me: my…

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