Stripped by debilitating depression of the capacity to love meant healing inside before truly bonding with another

Stripped by debilitating depression of the capacity to love meant healing inside before truly bonding with another
In seventh grade, I decided to try out for my school musical. With no prior singing experience or vocal talent whatsoever, I clearly didn’t think it through. As I naively stood in line waiting for my audition, the girls around me asked one another, “What are you going to sing?” They each named a different song from a Broadway play,…
We all know that being a good listener is an important skill to have, but how many of us actually practice it? Instead of processing what the other person is saying, we’re often planning what to say next and waiting for our turn to speak. Reflect for a moment on what you listened to today: Your favorite song on the…
You can convert self-criticism into long-lasting learning processes that encourage you to become better at who you are, how you live, and what you do
What if you could retrain your brain to create lasting change? With the New Year rapidly approaching, so many of us are asking ourselves what habits we need to break, what goals we want to achieve, and how we can create balance in our lives. In Greg Voisen’s interview with my friend Dr. Joe Dispenza, bestselling author of You Are the Placebo,…
We look at our watch and it says 11:11…a friend’s tarot card reading is right on the money…a double rainbow appears as if from nowhere…we happen to hear our deceased father’s favorite song just at the moment we’re making a big decision… How do we know if what we’re experiencing is a sign—from above, from our deeper intuition, from our…
Loving couples don’t seek the upper hand; they seek to understand and support each other
I was leading a workshop at a recent conference when a woman bravely said what so many in the room were thinking: “I feel like I’ve lost myself. I’ve lost my best self. I don’t know where I went.” Other women nodded in agreement. It is no wonder. We pack our days with “to dos,” responsibilities, and “shoulds.” We take…
I recently had the opportunity to attend the launch of the Evolution of Medicine Summit, an online community of doctors and practitioners of holistic and functional medicine. The event really piqued my interest in learning more about integrative healthcare—and it gave me the chance to connect with James Maskell, the host of the summit and founder of Revive Primary Care…