Cynicism Has Been Linked to Dementia

Cynicism Has Been Linked to Dementia

By Douglas LaBier, Ph.D. Science continues to demonstrate the active interconnection between all “parts” of ourselves and the physical/social environment that we experience and deal with throughout life. In my view, this is more than “brain-behavior” or “mind-body” connection: We are biological/psychological/ spiritual/social beings. A recent study reveals a new connection between a specific personality trait—cynicism—and the likelihood of dementia.…

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Finding a Way to Be with Fear

Finding a Way to Be with Fear

By Tara Brach, Ph.D. Most of us spend a lot of our lives tensed up in fear, or pushing against fear. The fear might be fear of: Something going wrong Not being good enough Not being loved Losing something or someone we hold dear What fears do you live with? The key to being with fear is in contacting what is here now,…

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Rewiring Chronic Back Pain

Rewiring Chronic Back Pain

Did you know that according to the American Chiropractic Association, 31 million Americans experience low back pain on any given day? It’s the leading cause of disability and the most common reason for missing work, and it costs us more than $50 billion per year! But most back pain isn’t the result of serious conditions, such as inflammatory arthritis, infection, fracture, or…

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5 Ways to Rewire Your Breakup

5 Ways to Rewire Your Breakup

When you get your heart broken it can feel like the world stops spinning. Caught up in a whirlwind of negative emotions, you somehow convince yourself that you will be alone forever and you will never find love again. It goes without saying that after a breakup you need to brace yourself for an emotional roller-coaster ride. Over the years,…

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6 Reasons to Stop Saying You're Busy

6 Reasons to Stop Saying You're Busy

A study in the Journal of Psychological Science shows that we’re much happier when there’s a lot going on in our life. If keeping active and busy is positive for our health, why do we often feel overwhelmed or exhausted by our list of responsibilities? It may not be our to-do list that is the source of our unhappiness. Instead,…

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The Power of Your Emotional Attitudes Upon Your Entire Being

The Power of Your Emotional Attitudes Upon Your Entire Being

By Douglas LaBier, Ph.D. In a previous post I described new research showing that a sense of purpose in life is linked with greater longevity. That’s just one of an increasing number of studies that add to the recognition that we are biological-psychological-spiritual-social beings. All dimensions—internal and external—interact with each other and shape our total experience of life: our overall health, level…

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Magnetism and the Brain

Magnetism and the Brain

How can anyone not love magnets? They’re about as close as we can get to magic, with their ability to move things around invisibly and defy gravity by picking up nails right off the floor. And how about the North Pole, which manages to make a tiny compass needle thousands of miles away point toward it? Physicists long ago determined…

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10 Things I'll Tell My Child at 18

10 Things I'll Tell My Child at 18

Hannah Walusis, a young friend of Rewire Me, shared something I love so much that I want to share it with you! Barely 18 herself, Hannah made a list of reassurances to give her own child when he or she reaches that age. But I think people of all ages can benefit from these loving life lessons: You’re stronger than you realize. You’ll find out that…

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