Rewiring Chronic Back Pain

Rewiring Chronic Back Pain

Did you know that according to the American Chiropractic Association, 31 million Americans experience low back pain on any given day? It’s the leading cause of disability and the most common reason for missing work, and it costs us more than $50 billion per year! But most back pain isn’t the result of serious conditions, such as inflammatory arthritis, infection, fracture, or…

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Breaking Through to Meditation

Breaking Through to Meditation

Fifteen years ago I decided to start meditating. An astute friend at the time likened me to a gerbil racing on a wheel in a cage: I was always rushing between work, power yoga, business dinners, and parties. You could find no trace of a sofa or a comfy chair in my little studio apartment in downtown Manhattan—I kid you…

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Magnetism and the Brain

Magnetism and the Brain

How can anyone not love magnets? They’re about as close as we can get to magic, with their ability to move things around invisibly and defy gravity by picking up nails right off the floor. And how about the North Pole, which manages to make a tiny compass needle thousands of miles away point toward it? Physicists long ago determined…

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Shaking Is a Killer Instinct and the Instinct to Live

Shaking Is a Killer Instinct and the Instinct to Live

Shaking is a complicated thing—for me, at times, all-consuming. I’ve had a paralyzing fear of the kind of uncontrolled internal terror and shaking that I’ve experienced with panic attacks. Then there is the full-body vibration, like electricity coursing through me, during bodywork therapy that has not only evoked uncontrolled noises but eventually numbed my hands, making me feel as though…

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