Science shows that the right fuel can help you get the most out of any exercise routine

Science shows that the right fuel can help you get the most out of any exercise routine
Health and nutrition play a large role in my life. What does nutrition mean to you? For me it means feeding my body with the proper nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs for optimal functioning. It means staying hydrated and working out often to promote longevity and happiness. Happy body, happy life—right? As a child I suffered with weight issues,…
New eating habits can be accomplished through reconditioning to make different food choices
Eating more vitamin D may boost your immunity in winter
The Real Food Revolution
One woman reports healthy appetite shifts and a clearer head after trying the low-carb, low-sugar regimen
Growing up in a traditional Italian-American household, I enjoyed a multi-course feast every Sunday at dinner. Meals at our house were social gatherings where family, friends, and neighbors sat around the table, eating, talking, and laughing for hours. I had no concept of what it meant to eat “mindfully” and never fully appreciated what food can do, not just for…
What do you think of when you hear the phrase “Mindful Eating?” For most, it likely means to slow down around meals and snacks, sit while you eat, chew your food more thoroughly, drink water…and don’t forget to breathe while you’re at it! While I subscribe to that kind of mindful eating (and like to think that I achieve…
Everyone does it: from the Burmese and Balinese to the Inuit and Icelanders. In the United States, almost half of us do it, making it one of the most common of our shared rituals. We give thanks for our food with prayer, with rituals and dance, before meals, after eating, and in praise of a bountiful harvest. We thank someone,…