Mindfulness meditation lessens stress and boosts the immune function—not a bad start for better health
You may have noticed I write a lot about veterans’ issues here on Rewire Me—it’s a topic I’m very passionate about. The recent statistics that demonstrate the overwhelming prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), alcoholism, drug addiction, unemployment, and homelessness among veterans in the United States indicate a problem with the quality and types of care they receive. Thankfully there…
Funny movie about madness and depression
I recently had the opportunity to attend the launch of the Evolution of Medicine Summit, an online community of doctors and practitioners of holistic and functional medicine. The event really piqued my interest in learning more about integrative healthcare—and it gave me the chance to connect with James Maskell, the host of the summit and founder of Revive Primary Care…
A new book provides a step-by-step plan to rewire your brain to conquer anxiety
I was holed up in my living room watching whatever came on the TV when I saw the man in the space suit attack a woman half his size. She slaughtered him…and a neutron bomb exploded in my brooding, overactive brain. My conscious reason for wanting to take the self-defense course I’d seen on TV was to exorcise anger. I…
Unlinking a traumatic memory from the environment in which it occurred may jump-start the healing process