How Childhood Trauma Affects Adult Health 

How Childhood Trauma Affects Adult Health 

Do the aftereffects of traumatic events we suffered as children follow us into adulthood in a physical way? Research about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) proves that enormous childhood stress absolutely leads to increased potential for adult illness and disease. The original Adverse Childhood Experience study (conducted from 1995 to 1997) examined the link between childhood trauma and the likelihood of…

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Learning to Heal Trauma with Brent Baum

Learning to Heal Trauma with Brent Baum

Brent Baum is an important person in my life and a remarkable man. He’s a therapist and a teacher who developed Holographic Memory Resolution (HMR), a method combining meditation, exercise, and emotional reframing techniques to ease the impact of stress and trauma. He defines trauma as “any experience large or small that overwhelms us in our daily existence.” Left unresolved,…

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New Hope for Trauma Survivors

New Hope for Trauma Survivors

In World War I a German psychiatrist named Hans Berger was almost killed by a runaway piece of machinery during a military operation. Hundreds of miles away at that moment, Berger’s sister knew for sure that her brother’s life was in danger. How could this be possible? Berger decided to probe the mystery. This research would one day provide new…

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The Healing Power of Chant

The Healing Power of Chant

An acclaimed yoga teacher and leader of kirtan, or call-and-response devotional chanting, Snatam Kaur sings with the intent of uplifting, healing, and transforming her listeners. A longtime social activist, the California-born vocalist often performs in prisons, hospices, and schools in low-income communities. Kaur’s music “is just pure spirit,” says fan Oprah Winfrey. “There’s no part of it that doesn’t feel…

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You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

Dr. Joe Dispenza’s newest book—You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter—is being published by Hay House today! As many Rewire Me readers (and all of my friends) know, Dr. Joe has had a tremendous influence on my life and was one of the reasons I founded Rewire Me in the first place. You Are the Placebo is his best…

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Feeling Positive with Negative Ions

Feeling Positive with Negative Ions

By Traci Pedersen Negative ions are anything but negative when it comes to your health. Recent studies suggest that breathing in air that is abundant in negative ions can have a big influence on your feelings of well-being. So, what are negative ions and how do we gain exposure to them? Ions are atoms or molecules that have gained or…

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Marina Keegan, Her Parents, and The Opposite of Loneliness

Marina Keegan, Her Parents, and The Opposite of Loneliness

Marina Keegan’s The Opposite of Loneliness: Essays and Stories got a lot of attention when it was published by Scribner. It has already received accolades from The New York Times, The New Republic, and other major publications, and it deserves all the buzz, shares, and likes it will get. This posthumous collection of essays and short stories is beautiful and brilliant, young…

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Breaking the Bonds of Traumatic Memories

Breaking the Bonds of Traumatic Memories

Sam is having a great day. Springtime: The earth smells dank and robust with thaw. The sun shines like an orange neon bulb in an endless blue sky. A bird sings from the high branches of a fully leafed oak tree. Sam feels good, positive, and confident as the soles of his new sneakers hit the pavement with purpose. He…

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