Healing Old Patterns And Enhancing Vitality With Body Mindfulness

Healing Old Patterns And Enhancing Vitality With Body Mindfulness

Body mindfulness involves focusing intentionally in the moment with the addition of body awareness to anchor and enhance the benefits for brain and body. Benefits include rewiring the brain towards more optimal functioning, increasing access to feel-good hormones towards building emotional strength and potentially shifting or healing age-old emotional patterns. The following are two personal body mindfulness practices that I…

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3 Steps to a Kinder Mind

3 Steps to a Kinder Mind

How to cultivate and strengthen our capacity for kindness and compassion. Offering a smile and a kind word to the checkout person, giving a frazzled mom an understanding look when her child is having a tantrum, offering your shoulder to cry on for an upset friend; these are all gifts of kindness. While there may be a cultural trend away…

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How To Activate Your Brain’s Caring Center: Compassion

How To Activate Your Brain’s Caring Center: Compassion

5 ways to increase your skills at compassion and the benefits The quality of cultivating and expressing compassion is central to almost every religion on Earth, and also a major focus in the field of psychology. Concepts such as “mindfulness” or “loving-kindness meditation” have been steadily growing in popularity for several decades, and today a large body of evidence supports the…

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Today Is World Kindness Day

Today Is World Kindness Day

Simple caring acts unite and inspire us Did you know today is World Kindness Day? This holiday encourages people around the world to be kinder to one another and spread kindness to inspire positive global change. World Kindness Day focuses on how kindness unites us, regardless of race religion and gender. Kindness is about sincerely caring for others around you. There is…

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