Parenting with mindfulness requires us first to do some work on ourselves

Parenting with mindfulness requires us first to do some work on ourselves
How to learn best in the age of information available everywhere We are creatures of habit, but at the same time, we’re constantly learning new things. And there’s proof: every minute of our young lives our brains add 250,000 neurons, and our brains spend the subsequent years properly wiring them together. And as adults, contrary to popular belief, neurons…
A total workout for your brain!
How to boost your memory, today.
4 reasons language is helping you
How to change your mind
Focusing on a positive future holds many benefits
When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. —Buddha Mental exercises help build new brain cells and strengthen the connections between them, which is why I find it beneficial to challenge the brain with new activities every week. This week’s mental workout is about savoring moments of joy and making those feelings last longer…
Can conversing dolls limit creativity?