Five strategies from a renaissance politician for approaching work, life and leadership today

Five strategies from a renaissance politician for approaching work, life and leadership today
Repattern your brain so you can live life to the fullest
Tools, Support, and a Community You Can Turn to for Answers.
By Amy Johnson Everyone wants to know why. Why do I keep doing that? Why don’t I get it yet? Why do I feel this way? Why is a natural question. We’re curious… so we wonder why. Even more than that, we believe we need to know why so that we can solve our problems. Our problems look formidable and…
It’s possible to teach the mind not to meander off track
“Just do what I do,” my father said. He started up the VW bus as I watched him from the shotgun seat. His hand moved the gearshift, his feet danced on the pedals. He shifted from first to second to third gear and back again several times as I scanned his movements. After one spin around the block, we switched…
Retrain your brain