3 small steps to move you in the right direction

3 small steps to move you in the right direction
EQ versus IQ
How to achieve self-compassion and self-love.
How being more positive can make work and personal relationships more successful As a trained marriage and family therapist and career coach, I’ve spent more than eight years researching what makes some people highly successful – both interpersonally and in business – and others doomed to fail. I’ve observed this: being more positive in your behaviors and language makes room…
Rewire your brain to meet life’s challenges
5 tried-and-true strategies to maximize your team’s productivity Do you wish you could instill your passion in your team members? If you improve the morale of your employees and colleagues, it’s highly likely they will be more motivated to strive for excellence on every project they undertake. Some tested, successful motivational strategies are listed below, and each one will bring…
3 ways to stay sane this season It’s the season of peace, love and joy. But the high level of stress during the holidays is enough to make anyone occasionally feel a bit Grinchy. It’s hard to say no to parties, gift exchanges, family traditions, charities and the never-ending supply of sweets and alcohol, but it’s important to remember to…
Enhance growth and evolution
And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. —Kahlil Gibran This week’s mental workout is about enjoying the feeling of being grounded in nature while in the comfort of your own home. What To Do Seek beauty when you are out and about. Adorn your home…