I know a number of men who seemed to make a point of marrying women who posed no threat of outshining their achievements—or even matching them. This viewpoint is no surprise in light of research by psychologists Kate Ratliff of the University of Florida and Shigehiro Oishi of the University of Virginia reported in a recent issue of the Journal…
You most likely know people who claim to have predicted a future event or experienced a connection with a departed loved one. Scientists dislike such claims because they’re impossible to prove—but not for lack of trying. Scores of scientific investigations have been conducted in parapsychology—the study of phenomena such as psychokinesis (using the mind to move objects), telepathy (mind reading),…
One of the first things Lynn asked when she settled into my office for help overcoming post-traumatic stress disorder was, “Can’t we just erase the memories that are making me feel this way?” As a trauma survivor myself, I understood Lynn’s plea. I carry quite a few memories that have made my life miserable at times. Instead of seeking to…
Rewire Me has run dozens of articles on people’s conscious journeys toward healthier, deeper, more spiritually attuned ways of living. I’ve written about religious experiences that are so powerful they seem to spontaneously rewire the whole person, transforming him or her into not just a better person but a completely new one. Such rebirths, I’ve noted, are often marked with…
Over the years I have known people who participated in weekend workshops with popular, charismatic self-help gurus whose message, when you boiled down the rhetoric, videos, and promotional literature, was pretty simple: Just do it! They encouraged participants to leave the unhappy relationship, declutter their minds and homes, make that positive change in their lives, and become the people they…
Love is in the air this week, and it’s time to honor those you care about. While Valentine’s Day is a good time to focus on rewiring your relationships, we’re fans of thinking about how to improve ours year-round—and we’ve found that Twitter is a great resource for finding advice and insights. Here are seven of our favorite relationship experts to…
You hear it on talk shows. It’s mentioned in every romantic comedy at least a trillion times. And it’s something we men have been told we have a problem with since the dawn of time. It’s intimacy, of course. I recently attended a class on “developing deeper intimacy in our relationships,” a proposition that both intrigued me and, as it…
How to Break the Anger Habit & Be a Whole Lot Happier by Sharon Salzberg and Robert Thurman