I’m living a much bigger and better life than I ever imagined—and having heart disease is part of it

I’m living a much bigger and better life than I ever imagined—and having heart disease is part of it
Everyone wants intimacy. But it’s not dependent on the other person—it starts with us
Mindfulness meditation lessens stress and boosts the immune function—not a bad start for better health
You can convert self-criticism into long-lasting learning processes that encourage you to become better at who you are, how you live, and what you do
“Mommy can’t play with you anymore,” my husband told my one-year-old daughter. In 2010, I was half alive and lying on the couch. Though the words hurt to hear, they were true. I was exhausted and in pain. I’d get dizzy just from being exposed to the sun walking to my car. I couldn’t play outside with my daughter, I…
Is it just me or do comfort foods start calling your name, too, this time of year? It’s easy for me to eat right in the summer. I’ve got that easy feeling from the warm sunshine that seems to permeate every cell in my body, and there are fresh vegetables to nourish me everywhere I turn. But once we have…
In the age of the “selfie,” when the social media lens is more tightly focused on the self than ever before while constant media coverage exposes us to the suffering of others on an international scale, many people often feel discouraged or despairing. What if self-help, the pursuit of self-betterment, is actually the best way to help others? Self-help is…
I was holed up in my living room watching whatever came on the TV when I saw the man in the space suit attack a woman half his size. She slaughtered him…and a neutron bomb exploded in my brooding, overactive brain. My conscious reason for wanting to take the self-defense course I’d seen on TV was to exorcise anger. I…
I recently met Jessica Ortner at the publishing party for her new book, The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss & Body Confidence: A Woman’s Guide to Stressing Less, Weighing Less, and Loving More (Hay House). She’s amazing! And so is her book. I started reading it on the way home and I couldn’t put it down. Tapping, also known as…