Take your cue from the creatures

Take your cue from the creatures
5 steps to prevent excessive worrying
From sick and stressed to healthy and happy
A simple meditation to quiet the mind and find stillness
The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another —William James This week’s mental workout is about learning how to identify what generates stress and create an action plan for how to minimize and overcome the pressure. What To Do Take some alone time today to sit down with a pen and paper…
Small changes can release you from the trap of stress and busyness so you can enjoy your life. From time to time, we all get consumed with our hectic schedule and demands of life. When that happens, we need to shift our thinking and adjust our expectations to reduce the stress of having “so much to do.” By making alterations…
5 ways to avoid the rabbit hole of thinking too much
Take time to recharge your brain and body Your weekend contains precious hours to de-stress and recharge your spirit and body. Using simple tools like laughter, setting boundaries and meditation, you can stop the negative effects of unchecked stress. The most successful people know to work hard and relax hard. Outsource Coming home isn’t relaxing if you feel like your…
Important findings in recent years have deepened our understanding of resilience—the ability to recover quickly from difficult situations—and how important it is for human health. One of the leading organizations in this research is the HeartMath Institute (HMI). Devotees of Rewire Me are well acquainted with HMI. Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., its Director of Research, has been with IHM since…