Resilience: How to Build It, Maintain It, and Restore It

Resilience: How to Build It, Maintain It, and Restore It

  Important findings in recent years have deepened our understanding of resilience—the ability to recover quickly from difficult situations—and how important it is for human health. One of the leading organizations in this research is the HeartMath Institute (HMI). Devotees of Rewire Me are well acquainted with HMI. Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., its Director of Research, has been with IHM since…

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Doing the Right Thing

Doing the Right Thing

Some students at the Providence Zen Center went to their teacher with a pressing moral dilemma: “Should we kill the roaches in the meditation hall?” If the students didn’t eliminate the roaches, the building might get infested, but killing living beings is a violation of a fundamental Buddhist ethical principle. Ethical behavior—what I think of as integrity-in-action and moral accountability…

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Cynthia Brix and Will Keepin on Gender Injustice and Working Toward Change

Cynthia Brix and Will Keepin on Gender Injustice and Working Toward Change

“Injustice and corruption will never be transformed by keeping them hidden, but only by bringing them out into the light and confronting them with the power of love.”—Martin Luther King Jr. One-third of women across the globe experience some kind of physical or sexual abuse in their lifetimes, and another one-third to one-half experience at least some form of psychological…

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Magnetism and the Brain

Magnetism and the Brain

How can anyone not love magnets? They’re about as close as we can get to magic, with their ability to move things around invisibly and defy gravity by picking up nails right off the floor. And how about the North Pole, which manages to make a tiny compass needle thousands of miles away point toward it? Physicists long ago determined…

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