Manifesting Moment to Moment
You have the power to change the lens with which you view your experience and your reality, and doing so will dramatically affect your potential for creating and manifesting those things that your soul desires. Whatever your personal belief about God, a higher power, or what we refer to in this book as the Universe, we urge you to embrace your spiritual truth in your manifestation process. In harmony with your spiritual beliefs, include the realization that you have a powerful influence over whatever happens in your life.To guide you in your explorations and to assist in your success, we offer eight principles that will help you realize the extraordinary power you have to manifest. These principles work equally well in your personal life and in the corporate world, whether you are a business executive, an entrepreneur, or managing a household. Each chapter of this book explores in depth one of the following principles:
1. You Have a Unique Soul Mission. What is your essence? What lies at the very core of your being? How can your limitations serve you? By examining these questions, you can identify your gifts and what we call the “joy factor” that brings light to your soul. As your fears begin to fade, you start to manifest moment to moment that which you truly desire.
2. It’s All About Energy. The power of your vibration affects every part of your life and energy flows through you in multiple dimensions. Can you understand yourself as a complex unity of all these aspects, vibrating in harmony? When you develop the ability to work in harmony with all the forces available to you, you’re able to materialize on the physical plane anything you wish.
3. Intuition Is the Magic Wand. How do you know what you know? If you use just your logical mind, then you are limiting your knowledge. Go beyond your linear understanding and discover seven elements to expand your intuitive self. The more you trust your intuition, the faster you can assess a situation and experience the natural flow of manifestation.
4. Your Belief and Your Story Do Not Define You and Can Be Changed. What is your story? How do you tell the narrative of your life, and what beliefs have grown out of your experience? These stories and beliefs are merely your mind’s interpretation. They can also prevent you from being in the moment and taking action. As you change your story, you change your life.
5. Your Desire Forms the Basis of Every Manifestation. Is there an outcome you long for and yet somehow never experience? By examining your desire in every dimension, you can discover what may be blocking the manifestation of your dreams. If your desire is in alignment with your essence, you need not be concerned with the “how to”—your desire will be manifested.
6. Intention Overcomes Every Obstacle. Intention is an extremely powerful tool. Neither logic nor life’s circumstances will stand in its way. No matter what your material resources or station in life, your intention—when clear and focused and sustained—will ensure the manifestation of your soul’s mission.
7. You Have the Power to Clear, Heal, and Reinvent Constantly. When you carry unnecessary baggage in your life, such as clutter in your space or mental worries, your life force becomes drained. What are you holding on to that is preventing you from manifesting what you want? This clutter must be cleared for you to be able to focus on your intent and achieve what you desire. Clearing the energy of the chakras will enhance your vitality and magnify your ability to create the life you want.
8. Your Inner Guidance Knows the Path to Creating Life Balance. Where do you find the answer to the continuing challenges life presents? How do you choose among the array of opportunities that will grow as you begin to manifest your destiny moment to moment? Accessing your chakras and the five elements will help you find the answers within yourself.
This excerpt was taken from Manifest Moment to Moment: 8 Principles to Create the Life You Truly Desire, by Tejpal and Dr. Carrol McLaughlin, and reprinted with permission of Hay House, Inc.
In their new book Manifest Moment to Moment (Hay House), Tejpal and Dr. Carrol McLaughlin give readers tools to “harness the power of personal thought, creativity, and intent, and to cultivate the enormous potential available to us all.”

Tejpal holds advanced degrees in both business management and psychology and is a life coach, healer, and intuitive at Miraval Resort in Tucson; McLaughlin is a renowned concert harpist and an expert in neuro-linguistic programming who recently conducted a study at the University of Arizona Medical Center on the power of harp music to help heal heart surgery patients; both women are Kundalini yoga teachers. In this excerpt they draw on their combined wisdom and break down the process of realizing and manifesting our aspiratons into 8 compelling principles.